Two main colonies congested but AS-ed one last week. Have made up a new small nuc from the second and waiting to see what has happened as I may have missed the Q thanks to this awful weather.
Both could be Q- (though I doubt it) but just haven't had enough time to do a thorough check as the weather is a bit changeable and stormy at the mo. Will do thorough search later this week as I have a couple of days off and could do with a bit more practice for my Basic assessment next Saturday in any case.
Capital Bee nuc is now 3/4 filling its national brood box and continues to grow strongly, given the conditions. Resisted feeding these guys and are now covering six frames very heavily and drawing out the last couple of frames of foundation. Very happy in this place, so hope to do a bit more clearing and may move some more bees here in time as a nice spot.