Inspected three hives and two nucs.
Nucs were split off from parent hive in late April and a NZ carniolan Q in a Q cage given to each. One has a laying Q, other has empty Q cells with no bias. Guess the bought in Q wasn't accepted.
First hive - evil temper, pingy but not stinging. Multiple Q cells, so performed AS. Brood that is present good, very little drone brood and plenty of space for laying and for storing nectar.
Q found very easily so left on original site with 1 frame brood and foundation. Hive currently has 6 supers

, so hoping that the upturn in the weather will see them fill and cap most of them. I guess currently half are full.
Second hive - again multiple QC all sealed, sealed brood only. Was going through aiming to knock down QC to one only when noticed one had already been opened. Opened one to see and out scampered a virgin Q. Continued to remove QC but reserved a couple for making up two mating nucs with a cupful of bees and a sealed QC each.
Third hive - 2009 q who has reached the end of the road over the winter and is now a DLQ. Dwindling, sorry looking hive with chalk brood and not much else.
All my hives (above + 2 others at another site) with 2011 Qs and plenty of space have either swarmed during the bad weather or are well on the road to swarm.
Strange year!