This is what I did yesterday, so a little OT...
Took a peek, through the glass crown board, at my recently hived colony. Bees a bit feisty. They were pinging me about 10m from the hive. If they don't settle down I'll need some screening for when we plough in front of the hive (or whoever's doing the ploughing will need a suit - fortunately he's comfortable with bees). The weather's been bad and they've been hauled from pillar to post so I can forgive a bit of grumpiness.
Lots of waggle-dancing going on so they've found some forage - probably the OSR in the next field but one. Weather report not too bad for the next few days so decided not to top up the feeder.
The tops of 5 frames in the brood box were heaving with activity so I'll now give them a week to settle down - unless, of course, they have different ideas or the weather is too cold/wet for foraging (in which case I'll top up the feeder).
<OT>Went on to help with some ploughing. The field slopes and has many lumps, bumps and hollows. We managed to turn the vintage plough over twice. Spent more time fixing the plough than using it! Ploughman now grumpier than the bees as he's twisted the drawbar.</OT>
Contacted BBKA about membership/insurance requirements for bees kept on a 'care farm'.
Next planned bee related job - get more kit ready for use.
Next planned bee job - add a QE and super.
Notes to self - make sure ploughman will be happy with a bee suit when close to the hive. Keep an eye on the weather reports.