Not in the colonies for just over a week, but got in yesterday. Loads of queen cells in my second colony while my first colony had at least one sealed QC. Got myself ready to AS but ran out of time last night.
Today, AS of the one with capped QC, which had become plural overnight. Lot of bees hanging around outside the hive at 0930, making me think they were ready to go, despite HM merrily laying...
Finished by 0950 and went off to do something else. Back at 1100 and the air was full of bees. They alighted two plots down in a sycamore in about seven clumps on different branches.
Necessity being the mother of invention, I grabbed a floor, super, crown board and roof and shook them in. Seemed happy to go in and they were fanning away.
Went back to look at my split colony and it was full of bees. Looked in the other half and still there. Assumed my other colony had swarmed (was a swarm last year) but when I looked, seemed to be there. Wrong color anyway, as most of those girls are quite dark, nit tigers like this swarm.
Hoping it could be a swarm fro somewhere else, but I think it unlikely. Bound to be my bees. Will look tomorrow to see if this swarm has stuck around and what the source may have been.
Quick look at nuc at other site shows it has almost doubled in a few weeks. Must inspect properly ASAP.
Returned at 2000 to close up the box and move it back to my plot. Left it so bees can start getting out after a while in the morning.