- Joined
- Oct 23, 2012
- Messages
- 2,191
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- Location
- Croatia
- Hive Type
- Langstroth
- Number of Hives
- 43
Hawthorn and black ash start to flower.. Apples passed the peak in blooming.. Wild cherries almost all finished blooming. Bees calm.
One of the colonies wintered on its own honey and still had 4 frames of honey....so we took one out and gave her an empty comb to lay up.
Peculiarly .....my two remaining strong colonies are on five well covered frames of brood each with four frames of stores largely intact. (I removed one in each and substituted a drawn frame to one side of the brood nest)
My bees certainly haven't paid any attention to all this talk of bees chomping their way through all their stores because of the mild winter.
Looked at 12 colonies in friends apiary in Plymouth, Devon this afternoon... 5 totally empty with no sign of the bees... frames of capped stores in all... one small cupful of bees and a queen... remaining 6... new stores loads of brood and frames jammed full with pollen.
Truck thermometer was reading 17 degrees and the bees were really buzzing!
Only thought on the stripey yellow Mediterranean hybrid type bees was that the queens had been poorly mated and colonies simply collapsed... all had Apigard in Autumn, were well fed and did not suffer from midwinter dribbling or early season beeminder interference.
50% loss is not good
Yeghes da
Went to Nanetti's lecture on nosema C in the convention - one of the symptoms of Ceranae apparently - older bees have a shorter lifespan and also lose their homing instinct - Queen and colony itself still looks perfectly healthy but bee numbers get less and less until it can't sustain itself. Just a thought.
...I can't imagine any swarms would bother to climb my windy hill.
So put some bait hives at the bottom of the hill
Sorry to hear your fave queen died. I never got to look in mine yesterday. As I drove home from you I saw massive black rain clouds over towards my apiary site. Decided grumpy bees would use oncoming rain as even more of an excuse to attack me. Hopefully today....
Moved two national Nucs into 14x12 Nucs, took out a few brood frames (stores) and replaced them with the larger 14x12 frames, one really strong which will need moving into a full hive in a week or two, the other can expand in the Nuc before moving. Just 4 hives to move up to the 14x12 then they are all done.