What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Finally got the thatchers to finish the new roundhouse beeshed roof.... looks fantastic .. cost a fortune... but will allow inspections out of the rain!

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All hive entrances busy in the sun today.
Spotted the odd drone still....ah bless......I hope they endure :)
They are the good guys .. mopping up any live or dead varroa ...I'd encourage them not knock them about !
Yes, I like them. there are usually loads around the hives this time of year. Do you know the females look after their babies once the eggs have hatched?
They are the good guys .. mopping up any live or dead varroa ...I'd encourage them not knock them about !

Ah...it was knock them out or they would expire in the store! They have lots of choice of habitat here.
Finally got the thatchers to finish the new roundhouse beeshed roof
That's all the Thatchers finished off around here was our industries, community spirit and pride. I hope you have a good supply of crystals to hang up in your new bee haven

Yes, sounds nice. Is it wattle and daub?

No, he's saving all the cow sh!te to slather over his new hives :D
Late in to work today so a quick wander around at 7am. All nice and heavy with stores and even a few scouts coming out for a look. Also the cluster is very loose and wandering around under the cover sheet and celotex. Looking good for our predicted hard winter!
I insulated my first hive today and got another one ready to 'slip-over', this should keep them cosy. The roof is just resting on top, it will be removed.

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Shut up all 3 hives, insulated and mouse-guarded. Although the block in one of the poly hives was stuck, so it took a good heave to get it loose to turn it around for mouse-proofing: the bees were not pleased. At all.

And I have re-instrumented two of the hives so I can keep an eye on temps and humidity:
Indian summer.. Leaves falling. Consumption almost nill. Brood.. few with few.. Young ones.. Honey still haven't sold.. Third attempt.. Samples sent.. If I continue this way, I will send more samples of honey for free than sell it.. This all is pointless, I have high quality product for which I cannot get decent price.. I will try again to sell as many colonies I can.
I love beekeeping, but..
Indian summer.. Leaves falling. Consumption almost nill. Brood.. few with few.. Young ones.. Honey still haven't sold.. Third attempt.. Samples sent.. If I continue this way, I will send more samples of honey for free than sell it.. This all is pointless, I have high quality product for which I cannot get decent price.. I will try again to sell as many colonies I can.
I love beekeeping, but..

It's a depressing situation, Goran. Hope things get better.
Will see till spring. It is needed very little to cut completelly, sell all and also go as many from here abroad in search for decent life..

Come and live in this country, Goran, and bring your bees with you.
Come and live in this country, Goran, and bring your bees with you.

Tempting idea. Tempting indeed..
Will have to think of feasibility and if I have minimum skills needed to do jobs properly.. Long winter days will have some time to reconsider all.

Tomorrow I will use women nylon stockings at apiary, I admit :D
Now I have opportunity to try that way of returning honey to needed..
Got few which got thin central arches, suspect on silent robbing or prolongued brooding, too late for feeding syrup or fondant.. They will get crystalised spring honey rich in pollen ( I hope that won't trick them to they think it is spring time :leaving: )
And got the call for the honey, third try finally.. They said very interested for buying with payment after 45 days. Have to accept that.. Next week should come and pick it, hopefully will return barrels..
Good luck Goran - Hope it works out this time.

I stood and watched all my hives really busy ...lots of fliers and loads of pollen coming in ... it was quite warm this afternoon and dry and they made the most of it. Had a peep through the crown boards about an hour ago and the smell of ripening honey was really strong ... No idea what they are findiing at this time of the the year. Just pleased that the hives are all feeling quite heavy ...
.. No idea what they are findiing at this time of the the year. Just pleased that the hives are all feeling quite heavy ...

Still some ivy on flower here, the smell is unmistakable. Missed seeing the bees flying today as the lure of the Norwich beer festival was too great..........

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