Because of rain, hailstones, high winds and freezing cold, (summers nearly here), I've left the hives, for nearly three weeks without any inspection. Those inspection before were just cursory to ensure nothing untoward was going on.
I inspected on Monday, and every hive is going backwards. I left all the honey in all the hives, they produced last year. I fed, extra fondant and sugar water, to get an early start, and now the cupboard is bare.
Tuesday Wednesday was good weather, bees are being returning covered in pollen going into the hives. The weather forecast is good for the next few days. So now things are on the up.
I thought this bee keeping malarky was supposed to be a peaceful pastime, I find myself fretting like an expectant father.
But I also find myself fascinated, just watching them.
Aye, I'm glad I took up bee keeping, it'll keep me fit and poor if nothing else. Always a place looking for any disposable income......!