when we did our 'job creation' week with ChrisB at Saltway bees in Bromsgrove way back when, the weather was like it is now and we had a week of constant cold weather and rain/drizzle (In fact, just like now the awful weather carried on until well into May) we opened hundreds of hives through it all, also did a thorough foulbrood inspection of three large apiaries with an SBI as muggins here had found EFB in a hive ('just one bloody cell mate! and you had to find it!') we were cracking through those hives, for speed and efficiency,I was opening them up, removing the end stores frames then moving on to the next hive and repeat, the SBI was following and doing his disease check, then someone else was closing up after him - he was working so fast I was struggling to open up in time for him to dive in and do a full inspection.