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Your rudeness RAB defies logic.You accuse others-myself included of being brainless and to get a life.I suggest you take your own advice and stop being so truculent.Rudeness doesn't earn you any friends or admiration-you just make yourself unpopular and get up peoples noses.You porport to be an expert on everything but as they say in polite circles "a little knowledge is a dangerous thing" and some of your posts reveal your distinct lack of some basic facts.
I have had a look at the website, and it doesn't do a lot when i try to use it !
wightbees;121054 said:
I have had a look at the website, and it doesn't do a lot when i try to use it !

I had the same problem last year with the bickerstaffs website when using chrome at the time so swapped to IE8 and it worked fine. WPF works fine using chrome or IE8 for me.
There site seems to be working ok with IE
I did notice they have removed all there poly hives they were selling except for the poly nucs.
So they have sold out of poly hives or there not stocking them
I also see they are expecting to raise 2000 of there own queens this year ( Good luck)
Stiffy;120716 said:
I may be wrong but I think Paypal has a time limit for refunds?

Surely, the protection comes from the credit card company as well?
No, Paypal take the money from your nominated current bank account. You provide credit card details so that they can draw the money from that should your current account be short of funds. So unless the payment was made when your bank account was in the red there will be no credit card company protection. Infact the transaction is between the CC Co and Paypal so I don't think there would be any protection at all, unless Paypal went bust.
Erichalfbee - NO!

you can choose how to pay by paypal. default is from current account BUT equally can pay by credit card. however, as you say, in that case the transaction is between paypal and CC co. anyway. i would be interested to find out if anyone has had success getting refund off CC co. after paypal 45 day limit.
johna;121104 said:
I see there are 981 neuc boxes for sale on his web site as of 5 minutes ago.

There has been 981 Nucs available since the site went live!

Not sure what is going on but I emailed last night asking for a delivery and read receipt and neither has been returned. I know you don’t have to acknowledge a read receipt but thought a delivery receipt was sent by ISP?

I am always prepared to give someone a chance especially new business’s but this doesn’t look good.

Erichalfbee;121116 said:
No, Paypal take the money from your nominated current bank account. You provide credit card details so that they can draw the money from that should your current account be short of funds. So unless the payment was made when your bank account was in the red there will be no credit card company protection. Infact the transaction is between the CC Co and Paypal so I don't think there would be any protection at all, unless Paypal went bust.

Ah, then the fault lies in the way you set up your account, as PayPal draws money from my cards, not my bank.
drstitson;121118 said:
Erichalfbee - NO!

you can choose how to pay by paypal. default is from current account BUT equally can pay by credit card. however, as you say, in that case the transaction is between paypal and CC co. anyway. i would be interested to find out if anyone has had success getting refund off CC co. after paypal 45 day limit.

I joined at a time before there was an option for a bank account, but you shouldn't EVER set it up, as I know some people who have had problems with PayPal through that. Can elaborate if necessary.
drstitson;121118 said:
Erichalfbee - NO!

you can choose how to pay by paypal. default is from current account BUT equally can pay by credit card.

Ahhhhhhh sorry DrS didn't know that........do now :blush5: thanks.
If I were you ericA I would get in touch with PayPal and get your account changed to a CREDIT card - NOT a DEBIT card - that way money is taken from your credit a/c which gives additional bank security.There is no bank security with a debit card.My current transaction is secured by both PayPal and my credit bank.
johna;121151 said:
If I were you ericA I would get in touch with PayPal and get your account changed to a CREDIT card - NOT a DEBIT card - that way money is taken from your credit a/c which gives additional bank security.There is no bank security with a debit card.My current transaction is secured by both PayPal and my credit bank.
I don't have credit card though but thanks.
I opened a business bank account a few years ago now and was offered a debit card, but declined it on the basis that the burden of proof if anything went wrong would be with me, and the bank would be sitting on all the information that I would possibly require to resolve a serious problem if it should arise, which wouldn't be a lot of use to myself. Particularly if it had been an inside job - there have been bad employees in banks, after all.

No further discussion as the penny had dropped and I was offered a compromise charge card - a credit card that automatically get's paid off each month, but has the protection of a credit card.
Hombre;121170 said:
I was offered a compromise charge card - a credit card that automatically get's paid off each month, but has the protection of a credit card.

Yep, me too.
It's also worth noting that if you use a credit card to pay through Paypal then the vendor pays an increased fee to Paypal. If you use a bank account the fee paid by the vendor is less.
greatbritishhoney;121171 said:
Yep, me too.
It's also worth noting that if you use a credit card to pay through Paypal then the vendor pays an increased fee to Paypal. If you use a bank account the fee paid by the vendor is less.

Most internet traders seem to prefer PayPal,I suppose they don't get the hassle of spurious purchasers-I've only ever come across one who preferred a direct funding from me. For protection tho' I will ONLY use a credit card on line.
johna;121151 said:
If I were you ericA I would get in touch with PayPal and get your account changed to a CREDIT card - NOT a DEBIT card - that way money is taken from your credit a/c which gives additional bank security.There is no bank security with a debit card.My current transaction is secured by both PayPal and my credit bank.
Visa debit cards afford the normal protection !

John Wilkinson