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beeboybee;121467 said:
totally shocked and embarrassed to be part of this forum this evening, with posts in this thread taking a pop people with at dyslexia makes me sick.

not cool guys you should be ashamed :(:(:(

I agree with you,but maybe we need to make allowances for people who are brought up with the manners of a pig,and make these comments,they cannot help it either.;)
beeboybee;121467 said:
totally shocked and embarrassed to be part of this forum this evening, with posts in this thread taking a pop people with at dyslexia makes me sick.

not cool guys you should be ashamed :(:(:(

I have great respect for people who are genuinely dyslexic.
I wanted to quote exactly from the letter provide so that I was not relaying incorrectly:

P.S If I do have a problem it is the misuse of the English language from people using stupid Americanisms
theengraver;121465 said:
still waiting for a reply
" Are the poly nuc as advertised and sold on your website"

Yes I have recieved the Nucs and they are the same as sold by Pxxxnes and do not have a travel screen. I am happy with the Nucs but the delays and lack of response to emails and telephone calls has been handled very poorly. I hope that he takes note and gets his act together.
I payed for nucs with travel screens

it like buying an ipod and getting an idod
theengraver;121485 said:
I payed for nucs with travel screens

it like buying an ipod and getting an idod

I agree but would imagine that if requested he would refund you. Personally I can manage without the screens and think the guy is making the best of a bad job

The letter which came with the Nucs does say he will swop when the ones advertised become available and there was also an offer of 20% of hives.

As previously said the lack of a response to emails and telephone calls leaves a lot to be desired and you could argue that his customers should have been given the option of the inferior (his words) Nucs prior to posting.
P****s ones are cheaper?

Would you be confident the exchange offer will still be on the table at some future date?

Public/customer relations have already been very severely dented.

Are there still many on here that would still be paying up-front for an indeterminate delivery of an 'as yet not existing' item?

I think those that do are either eternal optimists or foolhardy.

I am not a WPF customer and will not be until their rating is considerably improved, unless for a low value item(s) from stock.

wealdplacefarm;121458 said:
Thank you all for being patient boxes are as you now know getting out to you I am sorry for the delays I must however in the defence of Paynes Bee Farm who we are working with point out that delays on there part have been minimal I think only one week after Roger originally said that they would get the first boxes to me. The main delay was with our original manufacturing company and my financial backer going AWOL both were unfortunate and will be resolved this season.

Thanks for this reply William, just remember for the next time things go pear shaped to keep people in the loop, you get lots of brownie points that way rather than face the rath of forum members.
beeboybee;121467 said:
totally shocked and embarrassed to be part of this forum this evening, with posts in this thread taking a pop people with at dyslexia makes me sick.

not cool guys you should be ashamed :(:(:(

Oh my, chill out beeboybee. I have dyslexia and proud of it. I feel sorry for some people that don't have dyslexia. I mean have you read Defra's "The Bee Diseases and Pests Control Order" Big words don't make a law any stronger than a law that is written in "Plain English" lol

People that have dyslexia don't get up set over comments like that, its just water off a duck's back.

People with dyslexia or without dyslexia all make mistakes. I know people with Degree's that can't spell.
That would be me....thank god for spell check
People that have dyslexia don't get up set over comments like that, its just water off a duck's back.

I have dyslexia and don't think its water off a ducks back, thank you.......
beeboybee;121588 said:
I have dyslexia and don't think its water off a ducks back, thank you.......

O.K. and that's fine but I find personally that there are more important things to get upset over. I am so severely dyslexic that it takes me about 20 mins to write a reply to a thread and I have to use a text to speak reader to read.

But I can talk and I'm not in a wheelchair. My son is severely autistic and can't talk or understand what is being said to him. So please just get over yourself. We are the lucky ones.

Please don't get upset by my comment, I just find its better for everyone to just take it with a pinch of salt and just get on with it. I have my health and a family that loves me and that is all that matters. It's all about positive thinking. I wish you every success for the future.

Ok, I apologise about by original comment pertaining to Perches.

Now, can we please put this thread back on track?
PaleoPerson;121461 said:
It would appear to me, that others around him, may not have been as honest or transparent as he has (read my previous implied post).

I agree, If he is guilty of anything that would be poor communication but if he is a man of his word and true to what he has added to this thread then maybe we should all give him a brake. I am sure this isn't the kind of mistake that he wants to repeat.
gatting back again to the question in hand, i have nothing to do with this set up or the suppliers, but from reading whats going on and from a couple of conversations on the phone , i think that weald farms BIGGEST MISTAKE is a complete lack of communication to anyone and everyone.

turning it on its head would have been so simple , instead of the news paper headlines "new bee firm rips off customers" which is where we were going here basicly

a open and full communication to everyone every day or other day and it could have " poor innocent new bee firm is ripped off by chinese con man"

its the reason why i asked about dealing with the chinise, before i had a go, decided against it and have got someone else in poland instead.

on a silly endding i was speaking to someone a few weeks back with the chinise thing, he did go to china, spent a weel dealing with the engineering firm setting up a deel and drawings etc, left a deposit of £150,000 to find that nothing ever arrived in blighty 6 weeks later, and he was the luck one because he had gone through the import garentee scheme so managed to cover his losses.
I wasn't accusing the firm of "ripping me off" and in fairness to William,never ever had a communication problem.BUT,for me this has been on-going since the middle of December last year with a whole load of promises made and broken. I put over £250.00 up front and if William hadn't wrongly returned my money-unrequested by me - due to a misunderstanding caused by his email to everyone and I sent it back to him which moved the date of contract forward,and now meant that I was inside PayPalls 45 day deadline. Hence my being refunded in full.William is a nice bloke and quite understood my reason for wanting a re-fund.He also knows and has my re-assurance that, if and when the neuc boxes turn up he will get a immediate payment in full from me.
That he has good intentions is not in question,also,his plans are certainly ambitious and I hope he succeeds but I think he needs a good business manager to steer the company into profit rather than what seems to me to be a day to day existance.If I've offended him I appologise, but having spent so much money I needed to take action
Basic rule of buying anything on line for me is to email first. Did this with our problem firm and got no reply so they got no order. P***es got it instead. Just not worth the hassle of buying from someone who - for whatever reason, just or unjust - doesn't 'jump' to serve you. I've walked out of many a shop for the same reason - usually assistants finding it more important to chat to each other than to sell. Doesn't protect you from con merchants because they're usually dead keen to sell - but that's another story!
Headnavigator;121643 said:
Basic rule of buying anything on line for me is to email first. Did this with our problem firm and got no reply so they got no order. P***es got it instead. Just not worth the hassle of buying from someone who - for whatever reason, just or unjust - doesn't 'jump' to serve you. I've walked out of many a shop for the same reason - usually assistants finding it more important to chat to each other than to sell. Doesn't protect you from con merchants because they're usually dead keen to sell - but that's another story!

Don't forget theres nothing so urgent as "MANANA" on the Isle of Wight- at least there wasn't when I lived in Ventnor for a short while.
Headnavigator;121643 said:
Basic rule of buying anything on line for me is to email first. Did this with our problem firm and got no reply so they got no order. P***es got it instead. Just not worth the hassle of buying from someone who - for whatever reason, just or unjust - doesn't 'jump' to serve you. I've walked out of many a shop for the same reason - usually assistants finding it more important to chat to each other than to sell. Doesn't protect you from con merchants because they're usually dead keen to sell - but that's another story!
if IoW really still in the 1950s as many suggest (similar to italy but w/o the mobile phones) they would probably expect william of WPF to turn up personally wearing brown overall coat, measure up and then install the nucs personally.