The worker and the drone,
This whole thread has been characterised by a number of unnecessary comments in unhelpful tones. I agree.
However, you may ask why? Why would usually rational, compassionate, people choose to express themselves in this way?
I suspect that there is a great deal of anger, frustration, and disgust hidden under the words. Earlier (and I mean about a fortnight ago) in this thread I expressed disquiet about the circumstances within this thread. Since then a number of additional people have explained continuing problems with this supplier. Things do not appear to be improving rather the problems appear to be more deep seated and unsettling than previously understood.
No-one wants a business to fail in these difficult times, nor see an optimist who is trying to achieve their goals fail.
However, there appears to be sound reasons for wishing this individual would bring his operations to a halt until he has the genuine capability to carry them out to standards which ensure the welfare of the bees in his care, minimising disease risk, and treating his customers in a manner that they deserve.
I would be happy to give him a break if only he would demonstrate a change in his behaviours. If enough people could be found on this forum to counteract this threads criticism and to lay the reasonable fears to rest then I am sure we would all be happier.
Evidence of improvement seems to be the missing factor rather than his vowels,
All the best,