water dowsing

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Feb 22, 2012
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A very old guy taught me water dowsing with copper rods
It worked for me
Any more believers out there?

(Comments about the rain a bit passe)
It used to be considered that water ran in underground streams. When digging a well you had to hit one of these to get water, and dowsing was the way to fiind them.

Wwe now know that water is in aquifers, ie a layer across an area. Wherever you dig, sooner or later you'll hit water- which makes the successful digging of a well somewhat less miraculous.
Wherever you dig, sooner or later you'll hit water

That may well be true, but that doesn't answer the question of why some wells are dry and others are not, when the depth is limited by the ability/resources of the well/borehole constructor?

Apparently the difference may not be that great between success and failure. It also begs the question of why oil companies use dowsers as part of their resource-search armoury.
Me too, done it myself.

Years ago I watched a programme on TV called Donovan the Diviner and it followed the work of Donovan who worked in the West Country. He went onto the Isles of Scilly (I think). He was only paid on results so he had to find what was needed, his wife also worked with him and she was more sensitive to certain aspects, so he divined a field and found a suitable spot, there were of course many, but he picked one in particular, his wife then followed with a multi coloured disc and whatever colour she was holding denoted different things, they wanted a certain flow and a continuous one. Water can flow and then stop, it can be brackish or it might hardly flow at all. Wifey confirmed the depth and flow and they bored a hole, they passed water they didn't want and got to the depth prescribed. A year later the bore was still flowing at the rate they had said.

A very old guy taught me water dowsing with copper rods
It worked for me
Any more believers out there?

(Comments about the rain a bit passe)

I think that sums it up!

I don't need to believe if something is demonstrable, repeatable and provable.

As to oil companies employing dowsers - pah!
Some City Banks used to employ Graphologists to "asses" prospective employees!
US Presidents (Raygun?) employed psychics.
Tony Bliar consulted life coaches
Noel Edmunds "believes" in Cosmic Ordering
It's one of those areas of life where "it just works" - I've seen it done, I've done it myself, it does indeed work, as to how, I haven't a clue. There is no doubt that many commercial interests know it works too, and use it because it does work.........
Done it on numerous occasions but by no means am I a strong dowser. One of my Great Uncles (mother's side) was regularly called upon to dowse for wells. There is a huge difference in dowsing for water and dowsing for drinking water!! I can't differentiate between the two.
I have dowsed with pieces of barbed wire and with pieces of wire coat hanger. My great uncle 'tested' my mum and her siblings to see if they could dowse and mum was the only one who could - this was using a piece of split hazel. It is amazing to see how actively the stick 'twitches' when a proper dowser uses it.
A cousin on the other side of my family is a strong dowser as is his eldest son: its not just water you can find by dowsing. My cousin and his son are able to find underground cables by dowsing too and I have watched my cousin locate cables hdden in cladding in a shed roof before now using the same method.
2 words - ideomotor effect

more words (aided by visual/landscape cues and the fact that water lies in aquifers underground, not streams so chances of hitting water are pretty good by random chance)
Done it on numerous occasions but by no means am I a strong dowser. One of my Great Uncles (mother's side) was regularly called upon to dowse for wells. There is a huge difference in dowsing for water and dowsing for drinking water!! I can't differentiate between the two.
I have dowsed with pieces of barbed wire and with pieces of wire coat hanger. My great uncle 'tested' my mum and her siblings to see if they could dowse and mum was the only one who could - this was using a piece of split hazel. It is amazing to see how actively the stick 'twitches' when a proper dowser uses it.
A cousin on the other side of my family is a strong dowser as is his eldest son: its not just water you can find by dowsing. My cousin and his son are able to find underground cables by dowsing too and I have watched my cousin locate cables hdden in cladding in a shed roof before now using the same method.

My brother-in-law was a strong dowser, whereas we all messed about and got a bit of a twitch using a blackcurrant forked twig, he came along, pooh-poohed the whole thing and then had a go, the blackcurrant twig was groaning trying to fight its way downwards as he fought it up.......he quickly changed his mind.

have used dowsing rods to locate a water main in a field, works for me!
Works for me too. Have accurately dowsed the position of water pipes, land drains and power cables, none of which were where they were presumed to be.
Works for me too. Have accurately dowsed the position of water pipes, land drains and power cables, none of which were where they were presumed to be.
How about gold ? now that would be worth risking looking like a fool for :)
Where I live it would work for anyone as it is always wet!

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