water dowsing

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Yes, seen it done, do it myself. Not just for water though, you can dowse for loads of different things:.)
Yes, seen it done, do it myself. Not just for water though, you can dowse for loads of different things:.)

well that's just it isn't it - how can it work for anything - water, gold, iron, keys, anything lost!!, fairies, leprechauns gold, unicorn crap, lord lucan, politicians moral compass.

You name it, you can find it with a couple of sticks or old coat hangers in 2 empty biros - you couldn't make it up - hang on, hmmmm!!

well that's just it isn't it - how can it work for anything - water, gold, iron, keys, anything lost!!, fairies, leprechauns gold, unicorn crap, lord lucan, politicians moral compass.


nope, you can only dowse for things that exist
We had some work done to an old house with no documented evidence as to deains, soakaways etc. The architect went round the site with me and dowsed to determine what was where and he was spot on. It was fascinating.
We had some work done to an old house with no documented evidence as to deains, soakaways etc. The architect went round the site with me and dowsed to determine what was where and he was spot on. It was fascinating.
Architect, old house , bags of experience .
IMO an educated guess plus a little showmanship?:)
dowsing is a marmite thing you either belive or its bunkum.

personally i have tried with no susscess, when i was looking to hand dig the well at my old allotment, we brought the 80 year old welll digger out of retirement and a bottle of scotch, he walked around the field area with knowledge, saying that the under lying ground make up was going to be either or this, he also pointed out that by looking at the growing weed plants there was a form of spring in the one hedge.

he did dowse and did so to find the best spot in a given area to dig the well with, he also explained that it is posible to dowse for many other things other than just water, what every you wanted really.

he also pointed out that some people can and others can not, the weak dowsers dont exist they just need to alter there technique or practise more often

unfortunutly i am not able to do this fantastic skill, shame i would love to.

i do also belive in several other skills people can do
Hi Pete

I was taught to dowse for water with copper rods havent tried with hazel twigs etc ,, but it is quite magical, cant explain it I just do it
Well, I've got a 'hard' scientific background, and inasmuch as I've ever considered whether dowsing might work or not, I would have said no. (note - past tense)

2 or 3 years ago I visited the Tram Museum in Derbyshire (which is a bl##dy good day out, btw), and got chatting to one of the guys who works there. Although we started talking about trams and suchlike, the conversation soon turned to dowsing - 'cause that was his 'thing'.

He handed me a pair of L-shaped brazing rods, and showed me how to hold 'em, then he asked me to move around the parking area and see what happened. Meanwhile he went into his shed/workshop so as not to influence me in any way.

So - I marched up and down, and these rods started twisting, and crossing over each other, and by moving back and forth I was eventually able to determine that they were responding to a broad invisible line, which ran roughly diagonally across the parking area.

So I told him what I had discovered, and then he showed me a map of the area on which was marked a known vein of lead ore, running exactly where I had detected it.

'Anecdotal evidence' you may say ... ok, well the Tram Museum's still there, and I expect matey is still working there ... so go and try your hand at dowsing. It's uncanny.
So I told him what I had discovered, and then he showed me a map of the area on which was marked a known vein of lead ore, running exactly where I had detected it.

'Anecdotal evidence' you may say ... ok, well the Tram Museum's still there, and I expect matey is still working there ... so go and try your hand at dowsing. It's uncanny.

OK, so what did you think you were searching for when you started, anything in particular? or just random walking until your hands twitched, sorry, the woo magic detected something, sorry the magic of dowsing happened:rolleyes:

why would same procedure work for lead when it's main known aim is water, how can it then be used to find lost keys as said in another thread. That's the clincher for me - it can apparently be used from everything from water to lead to lost items to, well anything it seems - nonsense when you think rationally about it
He handed me a pair of L-shaped brazing rods, and showed me how to hold 'em,

so go and try your hand at dowsing. It's uncanny.

I use "L" shaped pieces of fencing wire, about 2ft + long. It gets a better response.
When finding drains it is better if there is running water.
As you walk over the line the rods come together and as you walk past the rods will move to point back to the line you have crossed so you may need to duck.
Its great fun try it.
OK, or just random walking until your hands twitched,

No hand twitching. Just hold the rods firmly so they do blow about in the breeze and to keep them level, thumb on the top corner to stop any unintended rotational movement. They move quite firmly on their own.
nonsense when you think rationally about it

Nonsense it may be but take two pieces of reasonably thick wire (the old coat hangers you used to get from the cleaners worked fine) bend them into an L shape with the bottom of the L just larger than the palm of you hand. Hold the wires in your hands with the end resting on your curled little finger and your hands making a very loose fist. Long ends pointing out in front of you.

In this position you can't move the rods yourself.

Now walk up and down a large open area and you will find the rods move. Sometimes they cross, sometimes they swing outward. If it doesn't happen you will be the first of many I have tried it on where it doesn't.

Once you have had a movement tighten your grip a little and cross the place again. When you get it to the right tightness you will feel the rod turn in your hand. This ensures that the rods aren't moving due to your movements.

I don't know what causes it and I certainly can't interpret what the movements mean.

I do know I have seen a man (who told me what to try) find water and I do know that the rods do move in every persons hands I have asked to try it. Incidentally he could use the rods, traditional hazel twig as per many cartoons or an oak sphere on a string.
i was shown how to dowse by a chap using a y shaped hazel stick then with 2 bent bits of plain wire with the same result a water main made from poly pipe which was undetectable with a cable avoidance tool i am now a convert
No hand twitching. Just hold the rods firmly so they do blow about in the breeze and to keep them level, thumb on the top corner to stop any unintended rotational movement. They move quite firmly on their own.

of course they do ;)

In this position you can't move the rods yourself.

Now walk up and down a large open area and you will find the rods move. Sometimes they cross, sometimes they swing outward. If it doesn't happen you will be the first of many I have tried it on where it doesn't.

Once you have had a movement tighten your grip a little and cross the place again. When you get it to the right tightness you will feel the rod turn in your hand. This ensures that the rods aren't moving due to your movements.

I don't know what causes it and I certainly can't interpret what the movements mean.

Bits of metal/wood don't move on their own - if they did you could put them in a jig or harness and wheel them across and they would still find the magical everything they seem to find - have you tried that?

I agree that if I hold 2 bits of wood/metal in the ways described they will move but not because of woo - I will be moving them.

And if i cross the same place they crossed before, yep, odds are pretty god they'll move again - the mind is a wonderful thing:cool:

ideomotor - IdeomotoR - IDEOMOTOR :beatdeadhorse5::banghead:
Bits of metal/wood don't move on their own -

You have tried what I describe?

If not wait until you speak from experience. However I would not necessarily suggest it is on their own. Small Iron objects move "on their own" if a magnet passes near them. Before you suggest I am implying there is magnetism involved in this I am not I am merely using that as an example of things moving "on their own".

I don't know if the rods are effected by some force but I do know (as testified by many others on here) that they twist in your hand without having freedom for it to be due to the movement of your body.

Try it I will be amazed if after half an hour or so in a large open space say a field you haven't experienced movement many times.
Lots of things move mysteriously "on their own"
Keys and mobile phones, for a start :biggrinjester:
OK, so what did you think you were searching for when you started, anything in particular? or just random walking until your hands twitched, sorry, the woo magic detected something, sorry the magic of dowsing happened:rolleyes:

why would same procedure work for lead when it's main known aim is water, how can it then be used to find lost keys as said in another thread. That's the clincher for me - it can apparently be used from everything from water to lead to lost items to, well anything it seems - nonsense when you think rationally about it

Well - let's be 'rational' (whatever that means ....):

The Earth is bathed in ionic radiation from the Sun - which isn't all stopped dead in it's tracks by the ionosphere. It is perfectly possible that weak electro-magnetic energy within the Earth's atmosphere is being channelled through any material which provides an improved conductive route back to the poles. Such energy has a preference for ionic conductors, so we're looking at water, metallic minerals, that sort of thing. Put a suitable sensor in the pathway, and movement is entirely possible. I think it's probably the concentration of such materials which is actually being detected, rather than materials of any one type or another.

The ancients believed in lay-lines, and that rocks held magical powers - they may have been right, in the sense that 'magic' is any phenomenon which cannot be explained by current knowledge.

In the same way, I believe that Astrology (the genuine sort, not the fakes) is based on a kind of truth - but not that which is immediately obvious. Astrologers believe that different and quite distinct personality types are determined by the location of planets within the heavens on the date of birth. That was a pretty good explanation in those days when that represented the full extent of existing knowledge.

These days, we know for certain that day-length affects the 'body-clock', and thus the levels of hormones swimming around our bodies. These in turn affect the developing foetus. So it is perfectly possible that the time of year of conception and thus birth, but more importantly the intervening period, may serve to influence the brain's development, and thus the emergent personality.
So the Astrologers may indeed be right about personality types and their 'star-signs', but not for the reasons they believe in.
Dowsing was something of a game when I was in my teens, a group of us would pass the time by 'playing' at it in the fields. Never took it seriously. After seeing John Harding's book I thought I'd have another go - from a position of arch-scepticism. Whoo - as others here find, something definitely happens. I tried the 'coat-hanger wire in empty ballpoint pen plastic' method, no way could I have induced the very clear and precise movements that the wires made. Out of interest I tried hazel and other metallic rods, all seem to be equally effective. not worthy
You have tried what I describe?


Small Iron objects move "on their own" if a magnet passes near them.

no they don't - it's magnetism!

I don't know if the rods are effected by some force but I do know (as testified by many others on here) that they twist in your hand without having freedom for it to be due to the movement of your body.

Have you looked up ideomotor effect, if not wait and speak from having knowledge ;)

Try it I will be amazed if after half an hour or so in a large open space say a field you haven't experienced movement many times.

i will keep saying this, movement = ideomotor

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