Well, I did the trickle this lunchtime - its was nice and sunny, and no wind, so the hives were surprisingly warm when I got into them (even if I wasn't!)
Both of the main hives were well stocked with capped honey, with the extra feedbags on top of the frames almost completely untouched, and nice clusters of bees.
I've lost my nuc though, but I was expecting this - it wa a very late supersedure, and I had had to add extra frames of capped brood to it to get the numbers up. On inspection there was plenty of food in the box, but the bees were spread out all over the hive. I guess either a cold snap came on very quickly and caught them unawares (although this seems unlikely) or they had lost their supersedure queen, and without her had no inclination to bundle together for warmth (my best guess so far). Any other suggestions welcome.
Now that I've done the OA treatment, I'll leave them in peace til it warms up enough to get back into the next season.