Trailer Bees

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Don't get too excited Motobiman. You need to have very docile bees to operate this sort of system. The slightest vibration on the floor as you walk will instantly be felt by all of the colonies.
The system I have seen also had a red light (like the old photographers darkroom lights) inside so the beekeeper could see.

Yep, thank Gxx for incontinence pants.

I guess it works for a commercial operation but would be hell on wheels for a hobbyist. (Notice the play on words there).
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Yep, thank Gxx for incontinence pants.

I guess it works for a commercial operation but would be hell on wheels for a hobbyist. (Notice the play on words there).

For commercial.. If I decide to go commercial I wouldn't do it without containers. My mentor have 2 of these, and never regret. Only when have a picture that in 10-15 minutes it is set for travel ( without loading and unloading hives on some pallets). The cost itself isn't some great problem 2-3000 euros for new container for about 50 colonies.
As stationary you will have your breeding stock and reserve colonies ( on containers always go your elite colonies in top form - naturally..).
Here in NZ we have thousands of acres, of a desirable nectar source ... getting to it can be troublesome, most areas come under DOC ( dept of conservation ) some privately owned, and so are leased out to beeks, at considerable cost ... the honey is so valuable that some hopper the hives into remote areas, and we even have hive thieves that again use choppers to locate these remote hives and raid them !

Many of these areas have lakes that are accessible by road ( pretty rough ) ... I have been thinking about a purpose built raft, moored to the lake shore, biggest hassle maybe bees dropping into the water ( not an insurmountable problem ) ... other thought's ?
I cannot believe when I saw the average honey yield per hive in NZ 29-40 kg/hive
How is it possible,... Only explanation is that too many hives are on same pastures!

I have just now 30 ha milk thistle and there are 3 good hives. It seems proper figure, when I look how nuch bees are in flowers. There are much blooming clover too on areao. Perhaps 50 hectares.

My bees get in 2 weeks that 29-40 kg per hive.

But now on my area July has been most rainy in 20 years.
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I get the picture Goran.
As a means of various crop pollination the use of compartmentalised trailers makes much more sense than loading hives onto flat beds or whatever.
After all honey collection has zero importance in that scenario.
I need to go back several pages and work out if that is what the OP meant for his trailer of hives.
I get the picture Goran.
As a means of various crop pollination the use of compartmentalised trailers makes much more sense than loading hives onto flat beds or whatever.
After all honey collection has zero importance in that scenario.
I need to go back several pages and work out if that is what the OP meant for his trailer of hives.

Containers or platforms for beehives are interesting since you don't have to have truck, or towing car. It is more reasonable if is cheaper that You pay for transporting them to places desired.

Some cheaper solutions, videos are not mine, just found it on internet:

Simmilar with colonies on it on forage:
I get the picture Goran.
As a means of various crop pollination the use of compartmentalised trailers makes much more sense than loading hives onto flat beds or whatever.
After all honey collection has zero importance in that scenario.
I need to go back several pages and work out if that is what the OP meant for his trailer of hives.

This thread started in 2010!!!! Just in case any info seems out of date!:icon_204-2:
I cannot believe when I saw the average honey yield per hive in NZ 29-40 kg/hive
How is it possible,... Only explanation is that too many hives are on same pastures!

I have just now 30 ha milk thistle and there are 3 good hives. It seems proper figure, when I look how nuch bees are in flowers. There are much blooming clover too on areao. Perhaps 50 hectares.

My bees get in 2 weeks that 29-40 kg per hive.

But now on my area July has been most rainy in 20 years.

So whats your AVERAGE haul / hive for the season ?
Some areas and some hives 60+ kg others, ... not so good, the the figures you assume are gospel, aren't necessarily, a true indication of a season. .. this figure moves with the climatic conditions.

All I can say is 1 x NZ hive @ say 33kg average x $13 - 40+ kg = $430 - 1320+

say your average for the season is ?? kg/hive x ? euro kg = ??? euro .... what is your figure
So whats your AVERAGE haul / hive for the season ?
Some areas and some hives 60+ kg others, ... not so good, the the figures you assume are gospel, aren't necessarily, a true indication of a season. .. this figure moves with the climatic conditions.

All I can say is 1 x NZ hive @ say 33kg average x $13 - 40+ kg = $430 - 1320+

say your average for the season is ?? kg/hive x ? euro kg = ??? euro .... what is your figure

Doesn't matter what yours is - his will always be more!!
So whats your AVERAGE haul / hive for the season ?
Some areas and some hives 60+ kg others, ... not so good, the the figures you assume are gospel, aren't necessarily, a true indication of a season. .. this figure moves with the climatic conditions.

All I can say is 1 x NZ hive @ say 33kg average x $13 - 40+ kg = $430 - 1320+

say your average for the season is ?? kg/hive x ? euro kg = ??? euro .... what is your figure

Doesn't matter what yours is - his will always be more!!

I've learnt from this too, you start a discussion, then the insults come, then you reply, then you drift off topic.

Some people live to argue. Yobs go to the pub, get drunk, pick a fight....... Some beekeepers just vent their frustrations here....!
I've learnt from this too, you start a discussion, then the insults come, then you reply, then you drift off topic.

Some people live to argue. Yobs go to the pub, get drunk, pick a fight....... Some beekeepers just vent their frustrations here....!

You probably need to spend a day or two looking back over Finnie's posts....perhaps explains 'some beekeepers' apparent 'frustrations'.

I think we have been told at least 100 times that he gets at least 150Kg per hive ...
Statistics from NZ: 6 years average in whole country 32 kg/hive.

My average yields..... During last 20 years my average yields have been the worst 37 kg and the best 130 kg.

At its best our foraging season is 6 weeks long. IT is 1.5 months.

Bees live 9 months wth wintering sugar.
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You probably need to spend a day or two looking back over Finnie's posts....perhaps explains 'some beekeepers' apparent 'frustrations'.

I think we have been told at least 100 times that he gets at least 150Kg per hive ...

Pargyle has a goal in his beekeeping: Donothing.

IT is impossible to him to think that beekeepers do something and extact honey from hives.

This summer I have moved some hives 3 times:

- to willows to get food build up and to clean my cottage yard
- to rape or raspberry places
- in autumn to clover fields from pure rape fields

Couple of units I moved because bees flew 3.5 km to rape field and I moved hives 25 km to get them in the middle of rape fields, 40 hectars. The place was the best willow herb pasture but in this year willow herb went over without giving anything. The most rainy July in 20 years.

In couple places I move off because there were too much bumbble bees in the rape field.
Now I have special places: Tens of hectares milk thistle.

The summa: Impossible to use hives on trailer.

I have 25 productive hives in 9 places.
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All I can say is 1 x NZ hive @ say 33kg average x $13 - 40+ kg = $430 - 1320+

say your average for the season is ?? kg/hive x ? euro kg = ??? euro .... what is your figure

.... so 6 year average in NZ is around 33 Kg

what,s your 20 year average ?
do you know how to do an AVERAGE ?
I have 25 productive hives in 9 places.
Finman is that 25 hives you moves around 9 sites or you have 9 sites with 2-3 hives per site?
All I can say is 1 x NZ hive @ say 33kg average x $13 - 40+ kg = $430 - 1320+

say your average for the season is ?? kg/hive x ? euro kg = ??? euro .... what is your figure

.... so 6 year average in NZ is around 33 Kg

what,s your 20 year average ?
do you know how to do an AVERAGE ?

I have studied statistics in university.
Do you know that there are civilization oversees too.

I have university education in biologian researcher, but I did my career as public engineering researching.
My last work before I retired was "preventive quality control in city maintenance".

But do you know how to make good honey yields? Everybody understand "average".

My best hive has brought 200 kg .
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Finman is that 25 hives you moves around 9 sites or you have 9 sites with 2-3 hives per site?

Yes, as sometimes one very big hive.
.this summer those solitary hives have brought big yields.

I use to have 10 hectares rape per hive, because if rape fales, hives have alternative what to forage.

I can pack 3 big hives into my sedan carry. That is why maximum number is that.

If the hive must fly to rape field over 1 km, half of yield will be consumed for distance. 60 kg yield will be 30 kg.

Last 20 years I have concentrated to understand the meaning of pastures and distances.

Others guys may breed to me good queen's. I only compare at home what are schievements of different breeders.
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When somebody try to poke me again, remember, that I have executer migrative beekeeping 52 years. First with bicycle and with moped and later with sedan.

And I am very good in this. Now I have not a single procuctive hive in my cottage yard. Here are only mating nucs.

Differencies between site yields are often 3 fold, and sometimes 5 fold. And distance is only 5 km. So you do not need average to analyze how you make honey.
It is not difference between bees, which make the yields. It is size of hive and the amount of nectar in flowers inside 1 km radius.

Hybrid bees are best because the size of colonies is huge..

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So in essence if you want big yields in the UK put two big colonies on a 4*3 trailer and tow them around to osr , raspberry, lime, borage, HB, heather and finish off with a bit of ivy. I'd expect 100kg+ a hive from that with a bit of half decent weather!

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