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Click on paper clip
Will give you an option to access your photos
Select photo and upload
You might have to resize the picture
Go to post message
Click on paper clip
Will give you an option to access your photos
Select photo and upload
You might have to resize the picture

I am a bit dim.... how do you resize the picture????
I get a message too big to upload???

Chons da
Click on photo, copy and paste , click on the copy, click on edit, click on resize etc then save.
I am a bit dim.... how do you resize the picture????
I get a message too big to upload???

Place the iPhone gizmo in a pot of boiling water for a couple of hours and the picture will shrink down to the correct size.
There is almost certainly an app for your phone that will do it with much less hassle. Nice pictures BTW, particularly the first one.
Go to google store and search.
There is almost certainly an app for your phone that will do it with much less hassle. Nice pictures BTW, particularly the first one.
Go to google store and search.

I have been to the app store but there is that many to choose from.. i would like someone who using a reliable app to post pictures on here rather than going through them all to find the best one..;)
There is almost certainly an app for your phone that will do it with much less hassle. Nice pictures BTW, particularly the first one.
Go to google store and search.

Never thought of that
Must look
I just email the picture. Mail gives me an option of the size then I save the picture. Couple of clicks and it’s there
Photo & Picture Resizer

Never used it myself, but it's free on google app store and has 4.5 stars..
I see now but I need a better camera

So I was trying to photo the visitors to our raspberry canes. Problem they wouldn't stay still for long enough or I was too slow. Solution sprinkle some 2:1 sugar:water syrup on the leaves and they practically pose for the photo.


  • 2018 12 Oct 1 (8).JPG
    2018 12 Oct 1 (8).JPG
    373.3 KB · Views: 46
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