Hi guys
I'm new here. Just a heads up on buying in bees.
I'm a newish Beekeeper, this is my 3rd season. I bought a
a 14 x 12 colony last weekend. I didn't inspect just looked with the crown board off, just before sunset. Bees in the box very calm????.
Did my 1st inspection today.
I have been sold 10 drawn empty black frames and 2 with a bit of brood, both uncapped and a floor full of dead bees and larve.
And a few shakes of bees. No store's at all.
Gutted. A lesson has been learned.
Phill. M.
I'm new here. Just a heads up on buying in bees.
I'm a newish Beekeeper, this is my 3rd season. I bought a
a 14 x 12 colony last weekend. I didn't inspect just looked with the crown board off, just before sunset. Bees in the box very calm????.
Did my 1st inspection today.
I have been sold 10 drawn empty black frames and 2 with a bit of brood, both uncapped and a floor full of dead bees and larve.
And a few shakes of bees. No store's at all.
Gutted. A lesson has been learned.
Phill. M.