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    • P
      Hi Garry I have sent you a pm. Phill.
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      Phill M replied to the thread Buying bees.
      No. I won't be getting involved with the seller anymore. I have given them syrup a frame of store's and brood from another box This is...
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      Phill M replied to the thread Buying bees.
      I have moved what is left into one of my long hives. I have left them with the 2 frames of what's left of the brood and put new frames...
    • P
      Phill M replied to the thread Buying bees.
      Thanks for all the advice. I was just looking to add new blood to my stock. I already have local stock aswell as scottish and Irish...
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      Phill M replied to the thread Buying bees.
      Just had the email from the nbu. I must be in a good apiary site. ( Apple orchard in the vale of Evesham). All of my own hives are...
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      Phill M replied to the thread Buying bees.
      Thankyou. Thats a great offer. I am gona put this down as a lesson. The chap has contacted me and offered to refund and take the hive...
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      Phill M replied to the thread Buying bees.
      A lesson learned.
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      Phill M replied to the thread Buying bees.
      I have sent a message. No reply. The guy seemed very sincere. The bees were kept in his back garden. All felt good. Untill I looked in...
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      Phill M posted the thread Buying bees in Beginners Section.
      Hi guys I'm new here. Just a heads up on buying in bees. I'm a newish Beekeeper, this is my 3rd season. I bought a a 14 x 12 colony...
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