Taking supers off now??

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Funnily enough I wanted to start a thread on the most useless bits of equipment purchased by beeks. Looking at some of the catalogues out there I reckon there is a fair bit!!
It's OK ... I'm going to add them to my portfolio of useless but highly profitable beekeeping items manufactured in the U.K. and sold to gullible beekeepers who believe they work ... damn it ... just given you my marketing strategy and target market ! JBM will be after my market !

You can add it to your square and round holes 😃
Beware of patent infringement though.
As is par none of the harpy brigade are a bit concerned with
helping the OP in either the problem now or the problem future.
Tis all enough of a mardi gras of court jesters wholly engaged in
navel gazing.
Almost a rut none can dislodge thenselves from.

As is par none of the harpy brigade are a bit concerned with
helping the OP in either the problem now or the problem future.
Tis all enough of a mardi gras of court jesters wholly engaged in
navel gazing.
Almost a rut none can dislodge thenselves from.


For harpy read happy
OP has had a couple of decent solutions presented to him. He seems happy with one.
For harpy read happy
OP has had a couple of decent solutions presented to him. He seems happy with one.

No typo.... comment stands.
The OP asks as a solution was not known.
None the wiser (still) as to a total solution... but I'd not
be surprised were the bunker door now be closed.

Just Catching up on all these replies as author of OP. Seems to have gone mildly off topic but also seems to have provided some therapy!

Another super gone on and I now at the stage where I’ll soon not be able to teach to top to get the heaviest one off! I think I’ll have to move the top 2 to the other hive. This was a split in May and has been gently ticking over and has one super which they have drawn about half of it out.

My main concern would be robbing a which I can fix by making the entrance smaller but also that the bees in the weaker hive will eat the honey! Is this something to be concerned about?
Extract the ready frames
I took two supers off two hives last weekend just going through the boxes taking single frames out.
My main concern would be robbing a which I can fix by making the entrance smaller but also that the bees in the weaker hive will eat the honey! Is this something to be concerned about?
"making the entrance smaller"
... and have the sky fall in..?.. according to some here. Heh

Seriously... this whole "throw a box on/under" creating gargantuan
stacks of sweet fanny adams is not beekeeping but sheer laziness.
You're a beekeeper, not a swanning(about) beer drinker with bees.
Know the state of your bees stores/health and their local environs, then
work them. Is not the whole purpose of the beehive to see bees eat what
they garner?

"making the entrance smaller" Is not the whole purpose of the beehive to see bees eat what
they garner?


More Billox....If they eat what they garner I'd be bankrupt.
I prefer to harvest what they garner
Last edited:
More Billox....If they eat what they garner I'd be bankrupt.
I prefer to harvest what they garner

0ddly enough thousands of beekeepers would find
your bankruptcy rather Strange...

I’d happily take the supers off and extract them but my extractor is due in 2 weeks!

The other option is to take them off, stick them in the house covered in cling film. Any thoughts on this?!!
The other option is to take them off, stick them in the house covered in cling film. Any thoughts on this?!!

Tried this and the moths destroyed them, if you can't disperse around spare hives (and let the bees guard for free) stick them in the freezer, kills moths and keeps honey/wax stable.

Unsure what the chap above is waffling on about regards piles of boxes?, all the commercial people around here have the supers stacked fine..
They will stay warmest left on hive.
But as we are having hot weather you could remove and stack. I,d use a clean T_towel..not clingfilm to cover them.
Allows them to breath.

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