Taking supers off now??

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I’d happily take the supers off and extract them but my extractor is due in 2 weeks!

The other option is to take them off, stick them in the house covered in cling film. Any thoughts on this?!!

Clingwrap does not stop moth, nor cockroach.
Back in the day we used a dry nitrogen trickle into
palleted boxes, still bomb a few ocassionly these days.
The simplest surest method is to bag the boxes and
drop a handfull of dry ice pellets in. Next day, double
bag and store in cool dry space.

I’d happily take the supers off and extract them but my extractor is due in 2 weeks!

The other option is to take them off, stick them in the house covered in cling film. Any thoughts on this?!!

take them off, blank piece of plywood top and bottom (handy for storing them wet in the winter as well) cinch them up and no problems keeping for a few weeks. Never had an issue with wax moth and frames of honey
http://www. biobees .com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=19369 - eltalia

https://beemaster.com/forum/index.php?topic=51943.0 - eltalia

https://beekeepinglikeagirl.com/is-the-flowhive-bad-for-bees/ - bill

https://www.beesource.com/forums/showthread.php?338748-Bees-and-weather-patterns - eltalia

https://worldwidebeekeeping.com/forum/index.php?PHPSESSID=oucl01nlc3cijjkdaru764od82&topic=7440.0 - eltalia

http://www.honeybeeworld.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1929 - eltalia

https://beemaster.com/forum/index.php?topic=51154.0 - eltalia

Seems you can write perfectly fine depending on the response/platform, so why don't you here? as you have plenty to offer (it seems).

G'day Alastair... my method was a cobble of concepts that took some time, like weeks, but did eventutate with a "hands off" success for bees in the transfer. You are one step ahead in that you would already have established drawn TBH combs.
What I did was make up a follower board with a 62mm screen vent penetration and a 32x8mm "entrance" penetration central to the bottom
of the follower. I cobbled together a rectangular frame from which hung
the six 'nucleus' frames lenthwise in tbe body of the TBH. Mine was two
rows of three, it depends on the width of the TBH as to how many can be hung at 90degrees to the follower.
The method was to place four working (drawn) TBH combs adjacent the entrance, then the follower. The frame holding the six conventional frames with bees placed after the follower. My TBH uses the lid to 'seal' the bees in the hive as I have beespace built into the topbars I make but a temporary
cover over the suspension frame could work for the traditional TBH.
The bees began working tbe drawn TBH frames in hours but did take
some days for the queen to move over and then weeks to set there permanently as I reduced the number of introduced frames. After she
was laying well into TBH combs and most of the brood in the conventional
frames was hatched I shook the rest of the bees into the TBH comb and
removed all apparatus replacing the transfer follower with a standard follower. The process could be sped up with use of a Porter bee escape
type 'entrance' in the follower after the queen has moved over but as I was trying something new and was in no rush I didn't bother with that step.

Now that was months ago as my first effort with TBH. The bees settled in, I
found in playing with the Vee shaped combs they were too restrictive for
my purposes in my yard so I have ditched that form and gone to a Lang style long hive body. Same principles, different shape is all.


In that case I am out of step too.

I was about to put up a thread re everyone trying a bit harder to play nice and wham that little outburst smacked me in the eye.

Can everyone please calm down and can Mark trim out the trolls postings please.

I deleted some posts that seemed to be people being unpleasant and nothing to do with beekeeping. Go and let off steam at the gym or something!
Can everyone please calm down and can Mark trim out the trolls postings please.


If people want to report problem posts please use the report function rather than continuing the spat on the forum. As Mark says in his sticky post on the subject, it just creates more work for mods if attack and counter attack play out on the thread.

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