I have to admit I have not read all the thread but will do my best to inform you on the product and its down fall.
to my knoledge 2 product exist, one is "comunity" smart water, the other is "individual" smart water.
I work for a multinational that uses both.
we have 2 types of asset one is nomadic, the other is fixed asset.
our nomadic assets are marked with the equivelent of "comunity" smart water.
the actual "smart water" is a wter based laquer with a unique forensic code mixed into it, should a "nomadic" asset be disovered in the possesion of someone with no just claim to it under uv light inspection the laquer will glow.
A sample of that laquer will be taken and then examined under a micro scope and its "dna" checked against the data base. The dna is unique to us and is not used by any other firm or individual, the item will be returned to us and the person prosicuted.
Fixed assets are marked with a diferent smart water that has a different DNA unique only to that location, so an asset removed from that location can be directly connected to that location 100% and there is no valid reason for it to be moved from that location, nor can an explenation be given as to why you have that item in your possesion.
smart water has a 100% conviction rate.
Now I have allso bought Items from E-bay that are excooperate from acredited sellers and using my own equipment found that the kit has been tagged and been able to remove the smart water from the product (in this case a refurbed lap top) so the system is not fool proof, I have found that the aplication of the product is the key, painting it into louvers, inside mobile phones, spraying it into radiators (vehical) and applying it in multiple places on an object to defeat the theives. however I have noted that smart water is heat sensative and goes a slightly visable brown colour if put on some engine parts.
That is my own expeariance but should not apply to you and your aplications.
available to your selves are police comunity smart waters that will apply to police forces and postal zones not individuals, say you lived in a sw11 post code london and your property was discovered in a ne4 property the police would be able to contact the owner of the sw11 DNA who in turn would check their crime reports and be able to tie the individual with the crime.
however if say in the same post code two people who subscribed to the smart water program and one chose to remove an item from their neighbor then the matter would deteriorate to a hear say case.
there are other types of smart water available for diferent aplications, I have personaly pushed the smart water rep to push for a fuel adative to be mixed with heating oil, this would alow stolen heating oil to be recovered and vehicals running on stolen heating oil to be prosicuted for more than just tax evasion.
I hope that this was of some help to you