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New Bee
Feb 6, 2023
Reaction score
Graysville, PA
Number of Hives
I am excited to get started. Read several books, took an onsite course, and I enrolled in 2 online course. I have my hives, and ordered 2 packages of bees.
Welcome. You’ll be addicted in no time. Have a look through the archives. There’s lots of good stuff here. Post your questions in the beginners section.
Hi…..Do try to get some practical experience I’d suggest online courses are fine for a little general info but I wouldn’t suggest you rely on that alone. Find a local club and attend, I really would have suggested practical hands on experience before getting any bees!
Hi…..Do try to get some practical experience I’d suggest online courses are fine for a little general info but I wouldn’t suggest you rely on that alone. Find a local club and attend, I really would have suggested practical hands on experience before getting any bees!
Thank you for the advise. My Daughter and i joined the Mon County Bee Keepers in Morgantown WV last night.

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