Wrong priority, i think,.
Don't blame me. I do not use excluder.
Many of forum beekeepers use excluder but do not extract their yield. Then they feed hives with honey over winter. Quite complex system.
When I started beekeeping,
I set very early my goal. I want to be a good beekeeper. How to measure what is good? With balance, how many kilos I can get from hives.
First yield what I extracted was 7 kg
Then I had 8 hives. One was Caucasian. Caucasian got 50 kg. Others 7 Black bee colonies got nothing. They only tried to swarm
With Caucasian I got average yield 40 kg/hive.
Then I got Italian bees, which brought the same.
40 years ago I got Italian queen from a very advanced beekeeper, and average yield rised to 60 kg.
25 ago I realized that good yield come from pastures. Not from hives. After that my yields rised to about 80 kg.
Selecting good pastures is a challenge.
But still, selecting good bee strains is every year challenge too.
So it has been 50 years: selected queens and selecting pastures
And now I get advices: Let it be. Do nothing. Let evolution care problems. And I should be same opinion.
I have been is school and in university all together 20 years. And now I should forget all what I have learned during my life, and follow some "horizon painters group".
Jesus said: "Sell your all property and follow me...." Oh dear.
I have 2 degrees in chemistry.
And now a new goal: to breed mites! WOW