Pollen Patties

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When would I need to put neopoll on and for how long?
Many thanks to everyone for their replies comments etc. I now have some good advice and a number of sources for all I need for a pollen pattie. I appreciate the link to the Australian site above for irradiated pollen. I was hoping for a supplier nearer to home, even in Europe. Is there an EEC ruling on the supply of pollen?
Thanks Brian
Hi Guys\Finman

I am just ordering the ingredients for making pollen patties with Finmans receipe... (unfortunately I have to run with the pollenless variety). just about to go to the checkouts. But before spending a couple of hundred quid, I have a couple of concerns\questions.

I have tried patty which had 5% pollen, but half of hives did not like the idea does this mean it is not worth it if pollen is not available, or that I should reduce the quantities bought as I can expect half the bees not to take it?

When not using pollen, does this premote brood, or are the bees just eating it? (i.e. is it doing its job?)

Currently many of my hives are loaded with fondant. I presume the pollen patty is a 'suppliment' that is used in conjunction with the fondant and not a replacement?

30% of sugar should be fructose. It takes moisture from hive air and keeps
patty soft
does this mean we do not wrap it in clingfilm before putting it in the hive?

I am a bit puzzled with the maths. 30% of the sugar should be fructose and dates are recomended. The weight of the dates should be calculated at 86% as a replacement for sugar i.e. per Kg, about 380g dates + 666g sugar? (need to over compensate on weight when using dates as a replacement for sugar!!?)

when adding hot water for the dates, is the volume of water taken from the water used for the 2:1 syrup, or is this an addition

I do not know what will happen next year. I do not get here irradiated pollen.
So I will se how much they eate non pollen patty. I see it in half way April.

If you yourself make different mixtures, you see what happens.
thanks FM. maybe I should scale down my purchases and run some experiments for this year...
If there's enough sugar in them bees will eat patties whatever proportion of pollen or substitutes are used. Whether they do the bees any good is another question.
If there's enough sugar in them bees will eat patties whatever proportion of pollen or substitutes are used. Whether they do the bees any good is another question.

With 10 years experience I know that it is nonsense. And the question is not "do bees eate" but "how much they eate".

I have done so much mixtures in my life that there is no simple solution.

the weight of egg raises 1700 fold in 7 days. It is not same what you feed to colony.

Another nonsense which beekeepers repeat

- very few accept that pollen patty is necessary in brood rearing in spring
- but almost all accept that hive add its brood with sugar feeding.

Last spring one hive produced 15 frames brood with patty without natural pollen. To do that in nature colony need to forage 15 frames full of pollen.
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Whether they do the bees any good is another question.

It is sure that bees need not pollen patty. Very few feed hives with patty.

But almost all beekeepers believe that 1:1 syrup adds brood rearing. - But that is nonsense, but no one can change their thoughts.

Onece I read a German book 1880 or something. It wrote that in spring boiled carrot juice is good for bees. Carrot has no nutrition value but who believes that!!!
Carrot has no nutrition value but who believes that!!!

But it is full of Bee-ta Carotene...

At least I get some pollen when willow starts to bloom at the beginning of May. I can use it then one month. Spice to patty.

If I get 1 kg pollen, I may do 20 kg patty.
Carrot has no nutrition value but who believes that!!!

But it is full of Bee-ta Carotene...


Carrot has 87% water
................0,5% oxalic acid
................5% sugar
................0,6% protein

................11 mg carotenoids/100 g

Potato water content 72%
Human 70%

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Finman, is there no limit to your talents?
Finman: you have reinvigerated my will to shop!

do you pollen trap the willow pollen or something else? Willow flowers in March in this part of the world.
Is there a way of the beekeeper taking the willow pollen and putting it in the pattie or can just bees do that?

Is there a special technique for making the pattie, or shall I just measure the ingredients out and mix them in the breadmaker?
The dates and soya have arrived and look tasty. How long do the dates have to be soaked for please?

The yeast is coming from a horse feed manufacturer because it was too expensive from the online wholefood shop.

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