I've just ordered a nuc from P's and yet another hive.
Does anyone paint inside the nuc feeder and if so with what and how?
I advise that the
P's polynuc feeder is best blocked off -- from the side with the supplied piece of solid plastic and from the top with foam.
It is so much easier to be able to pretend that it simply isn't there.
And that way, you definitely don't need to paint it.
You also gain an even better insulated wall for starting off your nuc up against.
Paint should not - for P's - be needed for leak-proofing.
However, paint should make it easier to clean out, after use.
BUT you need to realise that you can't really do anything about cleaning out the built-in feeder while there are bees in residence in the box!
Using it for 5 frames plus a traditional (removable!) frame feeder works very well, imho.
Another alternative is to buy an extra P's eke, make your own coverboard with a feeder hole, and use a "nuc rapid feeder" (small round green plastic thing, ~£5 from T's).
You could even ask P's whether their "Small box feeder" (£4.80) fits inside the eke - I don't know. Sadly T's honey jar contact feeder doesn't fit...
The 'spare' eke can also take insulation for overwintering ...