Tom Bick
Dribbling is not entirely disturbance free, but dribbling at brood minimum with pre-warmed oxalic causes very little disturbance, often the bees don't even break cluster and is also a very quick procedure - start to finish in the field it's less than a minute for removing the roof, cracking the crown board, dribbling over 10 seams of bees and reassembling the hive.
Sorry but dont the bees cluster to keep warm and if a sudden heat loss happens then you are going to stay put bees know that the cold kills them.
And do we know what happens in the hive after the roof is replaced with the drop in temp and a large amount of bees covered in a liquid
The more I think about it I think the dribbling method has evolved for our convenience. The bees if a strong colony shows no obvious harm because they will make do with the situation but a smaller colony?