Open message to Admin.

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Somerford;180594 said:
I can only assume that Admin is away today enjoying the fine weather else it would have been removed.

And precisely why most forums have more than one moderator :)
Admin will sort out any problems regarding this thread in the morning.
I can't be bothered to read the whole thread.

But my 2pennies from reading the OP.

Rab can be blunt and sometimes bordering on rude. And I have pulled him up on it, personally, when I felt he went too far with me.

He gives very good advice IMO.
He is very logical and practical. A+B=C.
And that can make him seem very cold.
Yes he can be moody and argumentative. But usually it is in the spirit of getting more detailed and well considered posts. There might be a more polite way of him to elude to that, but that's the nature of the beast of Rab. He is logical.

I've seen him give, day after day, a load of very astute advice to beeks on here, with his posts being based on his observations of their exact and particular predicament and circumstance and a selection of options they can choose, with some after advice on what implications those decisions might have; with no hint of opinion, self-interest, personal slant and 'do it my way' like some stuck-in-their-ways beeks can have.

Personally, there are a few select beeks I really appreciate the opinion of and actively want to reply to my threads. Rab is one of them. I appreciate his methodical thinking and he has a succinct way of getting the nitty gritty details down on the page. I like that and he is one of the people that helps me, personally, to make a clinical decision. I hope he continues to post his advice on here because I believe in the large part, and nobody's perfect, it's very appropriate.

Some bed-side etiquette is lacking. Yes.

But on this here internet forum, just as in life, you get 'characters'.
I've never been in a job or social circle yet, where there is everyone that gets along perfectly or there aren't some individuals who keep cropping up. Rab has cropped up a few times on here in criticism. I've never come on here and defended him. I do think he has been too blunt, harsh and cold to some posters at times; but far outweighing that I believe is his capacity to make very astute and well-informed posts. I can take or leave the rest.

I can see exactly why Rab rubs some people up the wrong way. And hell, he has rubbed me up the wrong way :eek:but I just wanted to speak in defence of the beekeeping content of his posts, which are IMO consistently a credit to him.
Good evening campers,sorry my internet has been down most of the day and only just come back on.

I have had a member or two telephone me this evening regarding this thread as they were concerned that one or two members were dragging the forum down with their posts.

It looks like silly season has begun this weekend,once again we get the camp split in two with a few members taking sides and going on the attack.

The forum rules state "kick the ball not the player",rather than get into long drawn out pm's with offenders I think it better and faster to just start handing out 1 month bans to any members who fail to respect the forum.

We need to sort this mess out before we start to drive new members away.
Please play nice or dont bother to post.

By way of an aside and in no way wishing to get involved I have a message for Icanhopit.

I see you were slightly confused about your tiddlywinks forum. I can help you:

The tiddlywink landscape is small with limited flora but any beek who wants to visit the English rose and take some nectar, the capital of tiddlywink land is here:

I am not linked in any way to them but was in search of knowledge on a squidger...

the naked beekeeper;180643 said:
I can't be bothered to read the whole thread.

But my 2pennies from reading the OP.

Rab can be blunt and sometimes bordering on rude. And I have pulled him up on it, personally, when I felt he went too far with me.

He gives very good advice IMO.
He is very logical and practical. A+B=C.
And that can make him seem very cold.
Yes he can be moody and argumentative. But usually it is in the spirit of getting more detailed and well considered posts. There might be a more polite way of him to elude to that, but that's the nature of the beast of Rab. He is logical.

I've seen him give, day after day, a load of very astute advice to beeks on here, with his posts being based on his observations of their exact and particular predicament and circumstance and a selection of options they can choose, with some after advice on what implications those decisions might have; with no hint of opinion, self-interest, personal slant and 'do it my way' like some stuck-in-their-ways beeks can have.

Personally, there are a few select beeks I really appreciate the opinion of and actively want to reply to my threads. Rab is one of them. I appreciate his methodical thinking and he has a succinct way of getting the nitty gritty details down on the page. I like that and he is one of the people that helps me, personally, to make a clinical decision. I hope he continues to post his advice on here because I believe in the large part, and nobody's perfect, it's very appropriate.

Some bed-side etiquette is lacking. Yes.

But on this here internet forum, just as in life, you get 'characters'.
I've never been in a job or social circle yet, where there is everyone that gets along perfectly or there aren't some individuals who keep cropping up. Rab has cropped up a few times on here in criticism. I've never come on here and defended him. I do think he has been too blunt, harsh and cold to some posters at times; but far outweighing that I believe is his capacity to make very astute and well-informed posts. I can take or leave the rest.

I can see exactly why Rab rubs some people up the wrong way. And hell, he has rubbed me up the wrong way :eek:but I just wanted to speak in defence of the beekeeping content of his posts, which are IMO consistently a credit to him.

Correct I would want RAB to give me advise anytime no beating about the bush just sound advise first time not try this that etc.
OXFORDBEE;180583 said:
Some posts contain lots of shock and very little awe...

:iagree: v stowed-in-the-wolds thinking

RAB does give out good information and seems to have recovered since a while ago.

That said, he has admitted making figures up or what ever bull.

He is bombastic in his foolish assertions that someone would wish to make excuses for what they have said, where he has stupidly piled in with abuse.
I love all of you! :Angel_anim:

Lets have less fighting :boxing_smiley:

Let's all get along :cheers2: ps. You're buying!

Dave. x
NoBBy;180561 said:
I have read this thread with interest and it’s quite interesting how opinions are divided. I must admit I don't post too often on here for 2 reasons.

1. I am a beginner and don't feel I am in a position to give advice.
2. I dont like posting questions because of the very un-friendly replies some people get.

I hang out in several Hobby (none Bee Keeping) related forums and I have to say this is the least welcoming for beginners.

An opinion from the Antipodes.

I really enjoy this forum. I have some close connections to the UK & have visited on three occasions since 2004.

I follow the posts closely. Rab took me on over my first post regarding moving hives. I PM'd him & we exchanged a few very civil emails which cleared the air.

He has a background similar to a few of my old mentors & I would like to have a pint with him one day.

Can we all just please lighten up?

He has a background similar to a few of my old mentors & I would like to have a pint with him one day.

;)Think Tractor Man is a bit of a Pink Gin fellow..... rather than a Fosters boy:rolleyes:!
Aussies don't drink Fosters. It is the worst beer in the world. We've sent it all to the UK for the lager louts.

I prefer hand pulled well cellared ale. Preferably at a country pub in Norfolk.

I'm also partial to a good English cider.

I could even go a pink gin at a pinch if he shouts. (buys)

admin;180647 said:
The forum rules state "kick the ball not the player"...

Now that sounds like bullying ;)

Seriously, wtf is this thread about. Issues like this should be dealt with it via PM between the parties and bringing the wise head of Admin if necessary. The rest of us don't want to hear it and for what its worth this "open letter" is a worse case of bullying (if that's what you want to call it) - or at least personal attack, than anything complained about.

Personally I've had enough help from the likes of RAB and Poly to more than make up for any acerbic replies - which were probably well deserved anyway.

Argue your case if you think you are in the right on beekeeping matters, if not accept it.
The rest of us don't want to hear it and for what its worth this "open letter" is a worse case of bullying (if that's what you want to call it) - or at least personal attack, than anything complained about.


Having read the "Feeding" post I didn't think RAB was impolite in what he said about your response about not feeding in winter.

Fair comment by RAB I think.
This thread is going nowhere fast :confused:
There is a distinct danger of it being made a 'Sticky' :smilielol5:
grahambee;180669 said:

AFAIK, the forum has no image resizing software - except that, perhaps, if you were to post an over-large picture, it might be dramatically auto-resized smaller, rather than be simply rejected.

So, you really need to resize the picture to be an acceptable size before uploading or linking to it. Lots of appropriate software exists, some free, but obviously it would need to suit whatever your computer might be. Alternatively, I'm sure that various image-hosting websites will allow you to adjust the image size and resolution.

Maximum attachment size limits for different file types are given (scroll down) in the attachment pop-up that you get after clicking on the little paperclip icon on the posting screen.

Hope that helps!

/ Did you ever explicitly ask for help with image posting?
Shall we reboot the thread by citing 'thread knapping' ?:willy_nilly: