Objective risk of disease transfer in super comb

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Would you risk using super comb from another beekeeper?

  • Yes

    Votes: 1 6.3%
  • No

    Votes: 15 93.8%
  • Possibly (please give reasoning in comments)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


House Bee
Feb 27, 2023
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Hi folks,

There seem to be slightly mixed opinions on using secondhand super comb.
It seems such a waste to cut it all out and melt it down, but then the risk of disease transmission possibly ways that out.

There understandably seems to be a habit of doing the 'safe' thing. However, given that foulbrood is inherently a brood disease, I wonder what the actual objective risk might be?

Has anyone fallen foul of bringing disease into their apiary by using secondhand super comb?

Of course brood comb is a different kettle of fish.

objective risk might be?
Whatever an individual beekeeper may believe, wish or think, fact is that only testing would establish risk. One year the NBU tested a beefarmer's pickup truck: EFB all over it, though I don't recall whether it was in his colonies.
That's interesting. There's clearly a difference between the presence of disease (through testing, for example on a truck) and symptomatic infection. Therefore, my question pertains more to whether anyone had symptomatic foulbrood infection from using super comb?
I don't plan on using it - I've ordered sufficient frames and foundation not to. But that doesn't mean that part of me doesn't see it as a great waste.

I suppose it's always easy to say 'why risk it'. I'm a risk-averse individual. However, there's nothing wrong with challenging why we do or do not do things and I therefore thought it might be interesting to see how objective that risk was.
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I don't plan on using it - I've ordered sufficient frames and foundation not to. But that doesn't mean that part of me doesn't see it as a great waste.
Or a disaster looking for somewhere to happen ... you seem to differentiate between using someone else's brood comb and someone else's super comb ... same risk. Nobody in their right mind would consider using either unless they have first hand known provenance. No brainer ....
Fair enough - I'm sure I had read that some believed that super comb was less risky if it hadn't been used for rearing brood.
This super comb is certainly being melted down. Just always interesting to hear others' views!
Not here on this forum there aren't. Same risk as brood comb and somebody else's used boxes.
I’m sure there are plenty of people on here who would use someone else’s used boxes after a decent scorch…?
I've been reading Urban Beekeeping by Cormac Farrell, an Australian beekeeper. Some interesting stuff. Relevant to this thread, he stresses several times not to transfer honeycomb between hives due to the risk of disease transmission. They seem to have endemic AFB in Australia; he just had to destroy 2 hives due to it, and he's not a large scale bee farmer. They also have African Hive Beetle, which lays eggs in honeycomb.

I contacted him to say here, we are more wary of brood comb, and he confirmed that there, it's honeycomb they worry about.
I've been reading Urban Beekeeping by Cormac Farrell, an Australian beekeeper. Some interesting stuff. Relevant to this thread, he stresses several times not to transfer honeycomb between hives due to the risk of disease transmission. They seem to have endemic AFB in Australia; he just had to destroy 2 hives due to it, and he's not a large scale bee farmer. They also have African Hive Beetle, which lays eggs in honeycomb.

I contacted him to say here, we are more wary of brood comb, and he confirmed that there, it's honeycomb they worry about.
That’s interesting, thanks.
I’m sure there are plenty of people on here who would use someone else’s used boxes after a decent scorch…?
Seond hand boxes can be sterilised ... poly hives and timber respond well to a good scrub with the likes of Cilit Bang (basically strong hypochlorite bleach) and timber can be scorched as well - second hand frames and comb - best consigned to the bonfire.
Votes No.

Nearly put a "Possible" only because I share an Apairy with a friend but I feel that is not really what the OP's "possibly" was really aimed at

I try to segregate supers between my Apiaries tbh.
Buying bees is the easiest way to bring in disease: after all, you're bringing in someone else's bood comb. Not much can be done to about that, esp. as beginners won't know what to check.
The only thing you can do is buy from a reputable seller and not any old Facebook marketplace chancer just because they might be a bit cheaper.
buy from a reputable seller
Agreed, but the reality is that plenty do buy from online chancers, and even kindly Bob down the road may not offer much better: he may have kept bees for 20 years but might have no more idea of disease than the beginner at his front door.
It's one of the reasons I would normally just buy queens ... I have taken on other colonies but they have not been near my apiary until they have been quarantined and thoroughly inspected. I crings when I hear people who have bought bees 'on facebook' or ' from someone who knew someone down the pub who wanted to give up beekeeping' ...

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