No wonder the NHS is short of cash ...

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Oct 16, 2012
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Fareham, Hampshire UK
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OK ... I've been having a rare lazy day... probably recovering from the excessive amount of money I've spent on beekeeping in the last couple of weeks !

So ... I've never been skinny ... but I can still touch my toes - indeed, I can even see my toes ... But - are we following the USA into becoming a nation of grossly obese people.

I know it's the daily snail and I tend not to believe a lot of what they say - but there are some statistics that are easily verified so they can't be that far off the truth ...

It's no wonder the country is in a state - how much does it cost for two ambulances and a fire engine to get a morbidly obese person out of a window - and who pays for it ? Why aren't we doing something BEFORE people get to the stage where they need such assistance ?

I'm not saying that grossly overweight people should not be treated - more that something should be done to help them before they get to the stage where they are completely unable to help themselves.
I'm not saying that grossly overweight people should not be treated

All they need to do is stop eating, and perhaps stitch their backsides closed to encourage them to stop eating as much.
Down here in Oke. the local leisure center has a deal whereby those of us with health issues (high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes etc.) get the use of a 'personal trainer' at about £12 an hour in the gym.

I need a cattle prod up my rectum to put the effort in, which he applies figuratively, I do 2 hours per week and feel a hell of a lot better for it.

Talk to your GP and see if there's a similar scheme in your area.
When you are GROSSLY obese, you cannot move around. Someone feeds you.
I'm not a sizeist person but observation will depict our nation's population is getting bigger. I'm 5'10" and 12 1/2 stone and my doctor told me i'm border line obese lol
Feeders they walk amongst us. Far more people get off feeding these people than the fat people get off been so big.

This obsession with an ever increasing sweet diet will get a whole lot worse before we do take it serious.
All they need to do is stop eating, and perhaps stitch their backsides closed to encourage them to stop eating as much.

codine can do that cheaper. bungs you up like nothing else lol
We "have a cost of living " crisis (allegedly) and 35% or so of the population are obese. I would love to see the overlap between both sets of data.

Edit: I have also seen some very thin people. Many of whom appear to smoke and have some major ailments.
So ... I've never been skinny ... but I can still touch my toes

... Who pays for it ? Why aren't we doing something BEFORE people get to the stage .

Genuinely impressive, Philip.

By definition beekeepers are relatively active but the pressures and the temptation on the diet of all of us are horrific. We need tobmake a long walk as tempting as a Coke and a Cadbury's creme egg and I have no idea how...
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my doctor told me i'm border line obese lol

with a BMI of very marginally over 25, you are borderline overweight, not obese, I would say.

Your GP is being a bit melodramatic, I would suggest. I doubt he or she would say anyone was borderline anorexic (or perhaps emaciated?) if marginally at the other end of the ''normal'' BMI accepted range. But even being 'overweight' may mean we are carrying around the equivalent of five or ten bags of sugar all the time! Try it just for a couple hours and see how much it slows you down!

I saw a documentary on More4 last night about a 56 stone man. He was getting an allowance of £700 a week to part pay for his full time carer.
35K a year of your tax money being spent because this man had a few "issues" and started over eating.

I didn't see what it cost for his stomach reduction operation but it was "great" to see him out on his custom mobility scooter once he had dropped to 38st wonder how much that cost you!
I saw a documentary on More4 last night about a 56 stone man. He was getting an allowance of £700 a week to part pay for his full time carer.

Not seen the programme but can't help wondering how much of that £700 the carer actually saw and how much went to support the paper-pushers?
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My sister in law recently returned from the US (Virginia), where the biggest difference she noted was the lack of a fresh veg isle in the supermarkets, everything is processed and packaged for your convenience. We are probably moving in this direction here, and I would suggest part of the problem is that people on low incomes need to work such long hours to make ends meet that processed ready meals are increasingly being devoured on work days for convenience.
If anyone needs to lose a few pounds but doesn't get on with conventional exercise regimes, here's one from left field;
Genuinely impressive, Philip.

By definition beekeepers are relatively active but the pressures and the temptation on the diet of all of us are horrific. We need tobmake a long walk as tempting as a Coke and a Cadbury's creme egg and I have no idea how...

Offer of a can of Coke and a Mars bar at the end ?

I worry more about the next generation .. the children who are taken the 200 yards to school by their mums in the car rather than walking, who sit in front of a TV or computer for much of their leisure time and who are being brought up on a diet of instant (or worse) junk foods stuffed full of sugar and salt. For every one person I see shopping in my local Aldi with a basket full of fresh food I see ten that are reliant upon anything that comes in a tin, packet, jar or ready made frozen.

I'm with you ... I don't know how you encourage people to do less sedentary things but the problems the USA are already facing with obesity are well on their way here.

Smokers have (and I'm an ex-smoker) become almost pariahs in public places and the horrors of cigarette packets and the tax on them have failed to reduce the number of young people who are starting to smoke - particularly in young girls. The cost to the NHS of smoking is vast (offset I would agree by the tax on tobacco).

Nearly 55,000 people were found guilty of drink driving offences in 2012 - and these were just the ones caught and prosecuted ... if we can't educate people not to drink and drive what chance have we of influencing the drunks (mainly again young people) I see in our town centres on Friday and Saturday nights ? (Again the cost to the NHS is massive).

There were nearly 90,000 convictions for drug offences in the year ending March 2013 (This does not include cannabis cautions).

A proportion of our society seems to be hell bent on self destruction and blissfully ignorant of the cost to society in general of their excesses ...

Well - rant over - as I said, I don't know how to get the message across ... answers on a postcard to ...... ?
my doctor told me i'm border line obese lol

with a BMI of very marginally over 25, you are borderline overweight, not obese, I would say.

Your GP is being a bit melodramatic, I would suggest. I doubt he or she would say anyone was borderline anorexic (or perhaps emaciated?) if marginally at the other end of the ''normal'' BMI accepted range. But even being 'overweight' may mean we are carrying around the equivalent of five or ten bags of sugar all the time! Try it just for a couple hours and see how much it slows you down!


Thank god for that not worthy
A proportion of our society seems to be hell bent on self destruction and blissfully ignorant of the cost to society in general of their excesses ...

Well - rant over - as I said, I don't know how to get the message across ... answers on a postcard to ...... ?

I think people should be left to do as they please as long as I don't have to pay.
Why should the state interfere?

If people want to overeat and kill themselves, who am I to care?

Far more deserving causes for limited money...

(If money grows on trees- but it does not)...
I watched Flog It yesterday. The programme showed a Bath House built by the Victorians. It was beautiful. Full of Stain Glass Windows and Gothic Tiles. For the good of the Local People. All local people. Swimming should be free to all.

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