No Varroa

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And now guyshave learner something: "do nothing". It is that Beatles style let it be, let it be, let it be.
So everybody has to do what you do or what you say is the right and only thing to do?

I cant see why you have a problem that somebody does not want to treat thier bees.

We all note your failure to explain why some keepers bees didnt die when not treated.
Blimey ... this runs and runs ... I go away for half an hour and I have to spend an hour catching up ... I'm off again now - can you slow down please !!!
I think this could double in size and the question I asked will never get answered.
Lol I can't remember what I originally posted now. I have a lot of reading to catch up on also

Go back and sit in the garden. Getting stung is more interesting.
Lol I can't remember what I originally posted now. I have a lot of reading to catch up on also

Something about your previous post almost causing world war three so you thought it better to start a new more peacful post ? :D
Something about your previous post almost causing world war three so you thought it better to start a new more peacful post ? :D

I think Admin should be looking at a new section just for threads from Steve ... only accessible for those with serious mental problems ...
So....who here actually enjoys beekeeping? I for one am still loving it!
So....who here actually enjoys beekeeping? I for one am still loving it!

Something odd going on here --- I hit quote and this is what I get when Ely said "It takes two to Tango ..."

No it doesn't in Finnies book ... it's at least four !!

All moving too fast for me ....
Yeh. I made a comment on how it takes more than one person to argue but thought I'd type something more positive.

What I have learned from this thread is (well, not from this thread but from 5 mins reading that varroa is a parasite) that I'd rather treat my colonies so they remain healthy and productive than leave them to become steadily more infested. Might take one year, might take 5 but they will become increasingly more unhealthy without treatment. Just like my dog would if I left the poor thing to become more and more infested with fleas. Not dictating but that is how I run my bees.
To be honest. Even reading the arguments is fun with some nachos and a big coke:icon_204-2: Dunno why so many become offended
You have four hives, you are a 'four hive owner'! Well done. I don't think it's ever been said that that the hives have to have bees in them.

So can I now upgrade myself to a 4 national hives, 2 warre roofs and boxes but no floors, 7 nucs and 1 obs hive owner..?

Does the camper count. Its insulated with Kingspan.
I wonder how some guys of this forum love so much mites that they are ready to arrange international conflict for varroa. Or is it only one branch of football huliganism.


I wonder how some guys of this forum love so much mites that they are ready to arrange international conflict for varroa. Or is it only one branch of football huliganism.



I wonder if some keep a pet tapeworm in their gut without treating it just because thats "natural"?
I wonder how some guys of this forum love so much mites that they are ready to arrange international conflict for varroa. Or is it only one branch of football huliganism.


I wonder how some guys of this forum find it impossble to understand or accept the fact that not every hive outside of Finland is infested and overrun with mites?
Do varrroa play football?
I must say it is interesting reading all views and I can see both sides. Im not experienced enough to comment really yet but I would say there is usually a natural balance. Most parasites don't intend killing their hosts, why would they want to do that?
I also wouldn't want to treat something that didn't need treating with chemicals due to causing resistant strains etc. If an animal/organism is in prime health usually they can cope with most natural pest/diseases.
I decided not to use my MAQS strips as only seen a couple of deformed wings and then I can't say that is 100% down to varroa or virus. I need to see a varroa first as STILL not seen one lol
I wonder if some keep a pet tapeworm in their gut without treating it just because thats "natural"?

Have to say that is a really poor analogy and that's being polite.

Firstly no one mentioned "natural" but perhaps like a few others on here you like to put words in peoples mouths.

The questions as I understand them are;

Can colonies in Europe be varroa free....

ANSWER. Almost certainly not apart from in a few extremely isolated regions.

Is it possible for honey bee colonies to survive untreated with varroa with continuous occupation for an extended period of years.

ANSWER. Yes they can and in some cases will maintain very strong, large continuous healthy colonies for many years. (15 years or more recorded by INRA in France.

Two extra questions that have been posed in this thread are;

Can people with three or lees occupied hives be taken seriously and considered to be Bee keepers?

How many occupied hives has Finman got and why is he so shy about this when he is more than happy to tell us how crap everyone else is, how he has kept bees for ever and did biology.....oh, and that he gets very cross when anyone has a different point of view or a different experience.....oh, and one more thing - maximum honey yield / money are the yardstick by which we can measure our success.

As usual I expect selective quoting out of context.

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