New year New Horizons?

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International Beekeeper of Mystery
BeeKeeping Supporter
Mar 30, 2011
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Too many - but not nearly enough
Just thought I'd finally share some of my exitement with you.
As most of you aware I've been working in the hinterland for the best part of the year - been taken off the boats due to a piddling little back injury .Just 'holding a bit of slack tight' in the local immigration enforcement office, and wondering what the future holds, well, still no long term resolution but (as one or two are aware) I may be dropping off the radar for a few months as I have been offered a short term placement with the Welsh Government as project manager for some kind of international development scheme in either Uganda or Lesotho - details not known as yet as they have to tailor a project to match my specific skills (so look out for the Ugandan Olympic Whisky drinking team in the future), maybe law enforcement but probably agriculture.So watch this space.
But also, this morning I received an email from our training unit and I am off to Folkestone Sunday for a fortnight to be assesed/trained as a national trainer to help train our new raw recruits, so quickly gone from being a role player baring my backside to fresh faced innocents to showing them where to shine the torch! not a job in the real sense as it's all done on an ad hoc detatched duty basis, but it's grist to the mill, builds up my skills base and will stop me going bonkers sat in this office.
Just have to swot up my law again now!!
Exciting year ahead then! Well done, I like to see good guys get on. Work in Africa can be very rewarding, not in monetary terms but in a personal way. I worked for a short period there and the red dirt gets in your blood. Just make sure you're back in time for Christmas to get the chapel ready for worship!
(so look out for the Ugandan Olympic Whisky drinking team in the future),

OK, but don't let them loose on the

Sounds like good news for the future Emyr, hope all goes really well, and that you enjoy the work also.
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God how I remember those days.... It was at Folkestone then too.(1973).. I thought it had all moved to ashford
Best of luck will need it!
Fantastic, JBM!

Really pleased for you. Not taking a missionary position, are you?

My daughter did a gap year in Namibia and it changed her a lot.
I'm sure Africa will get in your soul (charitable thought, that you still have one!).

The Forum will somehow struggle on during your hols. How about making it an international task force, taking with you someone from, say, the Baltics?

The training role is right up your street, getting half of the recruits to check you over for hidden contraband.

Exciting times, JBM! 2014 could more than make up for the disappointments of 2013.

Good on you, pal.

Well done JBM, just thought Association meeting won't be the same, I will have to sit next to somebody else to annoy now :hairpull:
Falch o glywed dy fod yn cadw'r slac yn dyn ! Pob hwyl i pob Cymro...................
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Good luck JBM.
We'll miss you and your funny stories.
Yep, have good friends in Uganda and one of them a bee keeper.. they communicate regularly with me... Lovely people.

If ever you catch a tv programme called 'Hello Goodbye' ( an airport tearjerker interview thing)(yes, like watching paint dry, I know) I was on one wishing them all goodbye at Gatwick after they had stayed with me. The beekeeper was also the farmer for all the orphanage kiddies, and had lost a cow in calf whilst with me.. Got the tv company to buy him another one when I told them on air of his loss.....

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