Recently at one of our country beekeeping assembly we were told that 40 samples were taken from shops and all were legit honey.. I would put 1000 euros as bet that at minimum 20% are fake.. But as how it was shown in nearby Serbia they had results as legit honey, but that analysis is made to not find fraud. At same time when is complete analysis made over 70% honey were fraud ( even they have results of " analysis from Germany" that it is legit honey).
Taste of honey is here real bitter for us beekeepers with real honey.. They are forcing me ( as also many others) to plan to reduce my beekeeping in spring.. Financially I cannot keep pace with criminals..
I cannot achieve 6 euros per kg of 1st class black locust honey.. One beekeeper here send a sample to one buyer at large for the price of 5 euros, buyer at large sensed a blood and offer 3 euros as it is shown in the analysis it is multifloral. Other beek stopped him to make mistake and told him to send to independent lab to test the same honey - result in that independent lab was 1st class black locust without doubt.. Beek didn't sell that honey to that buyer.. for now.. But as time passes our pockets get emptier and I cannot pay my bills with honey unfortunately..