
Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Finman: This forum has 90% carbage which have nothing to do with practice.

When you make such a statement, please do so in full acknowlwdgement of the fact that you like wading through 90% garbage on a regular basis, and that thankfully find the right setting for your preference on this forum, or else, abstain from making such insulting statements from your assumed position of high authority.

There are numerous contributors with extensive experience who do not feel the need to accompany each pearl of beekeeping wisdom with a battery of general insults and expletives. It makes for easier reading, I find, and reduces the Garbage (your word) quota.
So now we are back on track did karol get his yellow beeswax
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The whole issue of analysis and relevant paper trails required for pharma use is beyond the scope of every beekeeper I know.
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I wonder how many new members are put off by these kind of posts.

Or, to be honest, come back to see if there is more entertainment mixed with occasional pearls of wisdom. When I've needed help I got it. The rest of the time I look for the hilarious spats between people old enough to know better!:ohthedrama:
Or, to be honest, come back to see if there is more entertainment mixed with occasional pearls of wisdom. When I've needed help I got it. The rest of the time I look for the hilarious spats between people old enough to know better!:ohthedrama:

Or, to be honest, come back to see if there is more entertainment mixed with occasional pearls of wisdom. When I've needed help I got it. The rest of the time I look for the hilarious spats between people old enough to know better!:ohthedrama:

Yes its very entertaining!!

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