LimeWatch UK

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Lime flowers tightly closed in south Brum at the moment.
That's good to know. That will give my small swarm some more time to build up to hopefully take full advantage.

The apiary site I have has a lengthy road with many large mature limes either side and I was thinking I'd miss most of it because the small number of foragers and all the comb they still have to draw.

I've seen the bracts on the trees around here and assumed they would be flowering soon (this is my first season).
That's good to know. That will give my small swarm some more time to build up to hopefully take full advantage.

The apiary site I have has a lengthy road with many large mature limes either side and I was thinking I'd miss most of it because the small number of foragers and all the comb they still have to draw.

I've seen the bracts on the trees around here and assumed they would be flowering soon (this is my first season).
Hope your first year is going well.

Lime is a little frustrating. It's a very hit and noss crop. For a good nectar flow your require warm humid conditions with overcast skies ideally. This is because the nectar tends to dry out both in the sun and also in dry air conditions more so than other nectar. People often quote 1 in 5 years for a really food harvest.
Just popped down to Ealing Common and a couple of trees I saw are beginning to flower with the remaining at various stages of buds only.
Hope your first year is going well.

Lime is a little frustrating. It's a very hit and noss crop. For a good nectar flow your require warm humid conditions with overcast skies ideally. This is because the nectar tends to dry out both in the sun and also in dry air conditions more so than other nectar. People often quote 1 in 5 years for a really food harvest.
All good so far. A cast swarm moved into my bait hive on World Bee Day (which was a nice coincidence). They took some time to get going but there was a couple of frames of BIAS last time I looked.
The first eggs laid are due to emerge soon which I'm hoping will accelerate things.
All good so far. A cast swarm moved into my bait hive on World Bee Day (which was a nice coincidence). They took some time to get going but there was a couple of frames of BIAS last time I looked.
The first eggs laid are due to emerge soon which I'm hoping will accelerate things.
there wont be enough bees for anything like a crop! Sorry
Linden is covered with blossom buds after a warm winter. Plenty of moisture in the ground. Now we just need the weather. Expecting the Little Leaf Linden (Tilia cordata) to bloom before the end of the month, and our American Basswood Tilia americana) soon after that.
Linden is covered with blossom buds after a warm winter. Plenty of moisture in the ground. Now we just need the weather. Expecting the Little Leaf Linden (Tilia cordata) to bloom before the end of the month, and our American Basswood Tilia americana) soon after that.
We have plenty of buds on our Tillia cordatata here in Dorset. Not expecting flowers until the end of June or beginning of July - fairly similar to Vermont.
Limes just opened in my part of south Yorkshire (nearly hundred trees within half a mile of my out apiary ) and the bees are working it (distinct characteristic aroma in the supers).
Lime tree at Blakedown (Kidderminster) railway station is flowering today.
100 yards of the lane up to our bees has been razored of bramble by somebody while we were away in the camper for three days.
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I think you ought to rename it ‘Sun Watch’

Post where the Sun has been seen for more than 10 minutes resulting in a temperature above 12 deg today…

Appalling June weather
I have just lit the wood burner but I am a shandy drinking soft southerner
I have just lit the wood burner but I am a shandy drinking soft southerner
I'm a hardened exiled northerner and I'm sat with two fleeces and my woolly hat on in the lounge and seriousluy considering a dressing gown as well ... 'er indoors refuses to accept that we should have the heating on in the middle of June ... She will go to bed with a hot water bottle at about 8:00pm leaving me to shiver downstairs ....