Internet manners.

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
I sent a pm not so long ago as I thought something being said was not just as helpful as it could have been.

I received back what I can only call a vicious mail.

I have been pondering on it and have just read an interesting article about the rise of the Trolls on the web.

The article concludes that "Manners are selfless- they put other people first, and we as individuals second. We must remember that the whole point of manners and civility is other people, internet or no internet."

Whilst taking refuge in anonymity on the web it is worth remembering before sending that little gem of nastiness, that no one is as anonymous as they like to think.

So.... if you wouldn't say it to the persons face. Don't send it. Lest a nasty surprise happens....

I sent a pm not so long ago as I thought something being said was not just as helpful as it could have been.

I received back what I can only call a vicious mail.

I have been pondering on it and have just read an interesting article about the rise of the Trolls on the web.

The article concludes that "Manners are selfless- they put other people first, and we as individuals second. We must remember that the whole point of manners and civility is other people, internet or no internet."

Whilst taking refuge in anonymity on the web it is worth remembering before sending that little gem of nastiness, that no one is as anonymous as they like to think.

So.... if you wouldn't say it to the persons face. Don't send it. Lest a nasty surprise happens....

Poly I agree with you - manners cost nothing.

Although are you Mr Pot or Mr Kettle?

Do you think I should quote the "Welcome" PM that you sent to me as an example of your downright two-faced attitude?
Blimey, lately, if it's not back slapping its internet philosophy. Can't we just talk bees?bee-smilliebee-smilliebee-smilliebee-smilliebee-smillie
With regard PHs original post: It is a good point and well made.

The more forthright you are the more likely you are to receive equally polarised views and the accompanying tone that goes with them. The written word is often harsher than the spoken. You can be very direct and short on 'padding' yourself PH!

Scan reading does not help (I have suffered from that and I have been guilty of it myself in my haste to participate in a thread).

Communicating on a forum is difficult, especially if you are enthusiastic or passionate about your view. You have to apply your own checks and balances when posting. Often the immediadiacy of a conversation or debate face to face will answer or cause you to reflect on your stance and conduct. With a forum you have to be more patient, more structured, more accurate and above all more self controlled in what and how say things.

Rule of thumb: If you wouldn't say it to someones face then dont say it to their avatar!
My philosophy is 'Sticks and stones', I've been known to lob the odd one now and again . Nothing personal as 't'internet ' is about as impersonal as you can get !
PMs are there if you wish to get personal (rather like poisoned pen letters):leaving:.

John Wilkinson
You guys just toooooooooo funny back stabing on the forum and now back stabing in Pm loooooooooooool please stay wit the back stabbing on the forum so I can enjoy mi icecreams plzz :smilielol5:
You guys just toooooooooo funny back stabing on the forum and now back stabing in Pm loooooooooooool please stay wit the back stabbing on the forum so I can enjoy mi icecreams plzz :smilielol5:

Nowt to worry about ,I'm sure :biggrinjester:

John W.
Are you there, Admin?

I read this forum for information on beekeeping. I have no difficulty with the odd humorous thread, or even one that eventually wanders off the point.

But I have been unable so far to see anything on this particular thread that has anything whatever to the keeping of bees.

At the very least, could it not be moved off the 'Beekeeping Forum; on the an area that I can choose not to read?
So, in addition to gloves, vail, smoker... we need to add "pot of salt"

I read this forum for information on beekeeping. I have no difficulty with the odd humorous thread, or even one that eventually wanders off the point.

But I have been unable so far to see anything on this particular thread that has anything whatever to the keeping of bees.

At the very least, could it not be moved off the 'Beekeeping Forum; on the an area that I can choose not to read?

Tell Tale Tit lol
I read this forum for information on beekeeping. I have no difficulty with the odd humorous thread, or even one that eventually wanders off the point.

But I have been unable so far to see anything on this particular thread that has anything whatever to the keeping of bees.

At the very least, could it not be moved off the 'Beekeeping Forum; on the an area that I can choose not to read?
Er!!! you can choose to read or not to read that is the question !
Whether it is nobler to read and be appalled or never know what you are missing !( Buzzzzzzzzzz!! just to satisfy the beekeeping element of it all :smash:

John W.
we got rid of the adult forum , may be we should have a nursery section instead.

nappy changing time me thinks, or should i just put the teddys back in the

Humour transplant is all that's needed Pete :biggrinjester:

John W.
Didn't think I had imagined it when I first saw it, had to do a search! Popcorn ready now carry on.
My brother (an internet programmer) said...'If you can't say it to someone standing opposite you _ DON'T say it at all'...and Don't use capital as it means shouting and italics as it means I only use either if I mean it...BUT can't we talk calmly? We all enjoy beekeeping...we all want to save honey bees...and have honey...and be part of an encouraging take a deep breathe...and DON'T say what you want...say it politely!!!!!

When I first joined I nearly left twice as I couldn't stand the stressful posts...but the forum is too informative to come on those who know who they are...get in the spirit and enjoy the forum for what it is...people in the same hobby who want the best for their stock!
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