Imported queens

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Careful now .... Let's not start on the Primitive Methodists

Why not? it's as good a place as any to start - why were they called primitive methodists anyway? did the congregate in caves and sit around a fireplace naked apart from a dab of woad singing hymns?
No methodies in this family for a good few generations, apart from my Grandmother's 2nd cousin and he was a MODERATOR! (didn't realise they had t'internet back in the 50's!)
Meanwhile, back on the thread ...

Hi folks
I need a mated queen so i look online as you do but i came off feeling a little disheartend, due to the fact that so many are selling imports.

After a long fruitless search for a British mated queen - the nearest I got was a 'take a chance virgin' - so I finally relented and bought an imported Carnie.

But what a disappointment - for the priviledge of being £40 lighter, I've received this morning the smallest queen I've ever seen: if it wasn't for the coloured spot on her thorax, she'd be indistinguishable from her entourage. This girl would have absolutely no trouble getting through a queen excluder.

Have I been ripped-off ? Maybe. Could be the runt of the litter, could even be a virgin - who knows ? I certainly don't have too much faith in this one.

Still, I'll give her a chance, and buy a couple of those 'take a chance virgins' as well - 'cause the year is moving on apace ...

Primitive Methodism started 5 - sorry 3 - miles away from here...

Tiny village near Brynn Wigan had no less than 9 primitive Methodist Chapels late eighteen hundreds .
Must have been a quarrelsome lot :)
But what a disappointment - for the priviledge of being £40 lighter, I've received this morning the smallest queen I've ever seen:

She will get bigger again when being fed for laying, caged queens are no longer in lay (similar to a mated queen in swarming mode) so are not being fed to do so, they lose weight rapidly when caged...even for one day,
"Why illegal? were they imported without veterinary certification?"

Norton - surprised you weren't aware of this fact:

"The importation of honey bee sub-species other than A. m. carnica has been legally banned since the establishment of Croatia."
She will get bigger again when being fed for laying, caged queens are no longer in lay (similar to a mated queen in swarming mode) so are not being fed to do so, they lose weight rapidly when caged...even for one day,

I was comparing her with the emergency virgins I've just raised, which are significantly larger (and with much longer tails etc). But maybe that isn't a fair comparison ?

Appreciate the reassurance. :)

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Could I just put in a word about the much maligned mongrel? Mine are very nice indeed very calm and only grumpy when there has been good reason, be it weather, queen situation or incompetent BK!

True this is my first year of honey (3rd year) and I certainly have not had as much honey as some others on here have reported, but then I have had only one real production colony the rest have been A/S ed to make up for losses last winter.

I do want to give amm a try but only for interest in the mean time I am very happy with my mongrels, I am in the fortunate position of never having a failed mating or a DLQ.......yet!

Could it be that the best bee of all is a well breed mongrel?

Tin Hat on …………
"Croatia is in the EU now. It is free trade, whether they like it or not."

does the same apply to the danish buckfast mating stations?
Croatia is in the EU now. It is free trade, whether they like it or not.

I don't have complete and decisive answer on that. Once I have time to deal with this I will try to give You right answer. I think it isn't all black and white ( luckily for us).
I keep wondering what a Sophisticated Methodist would look like.


i am against imported bees .
i will do whatever i can to avoid them in my beekeeping .
the empire is gone.
now we are a laughing stock.
but i still don't like the idea of imported queens/bees
the empire is gone.

No it is not. It has a new form. When I visited in England in work affairs, I noticed that British people travel easily in old empire countries and make business like at home.
Your work place structure is mainly service business. It ,means that you sell for example computer systems to numerous countries. Yes, I found that very easily.

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