Importation of bees

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Personal choice, supply and demand, profit, quick expansion / replacement and a whole number of other reasons
By your own admission your beekeeping style doesn't align with many others on this forum.
I'd say the same for your very poor attempt at humour

What's wrong with my beekeeping style?
I don't know how to raise queens aside from the bees own skills and I have a problem finding a queen in a full hive, but...

...I haven't lost a hive in five winters, from my 5 hives in one year I took 150kg of honey which I sold for nearly a thousand pounds, I have the occasional swarm and anyone who says they don't is a liar. I treat all my colonies twice a year, once in August, once at Christmas and I feed as necessary although my 'beekeeping style' rarely requires me to do that as I always keep one super per hive back for nadiring. I also collect other beekeepers swarms from people's houses free of charge.

I don't think you can comment on me OR my beekeeping style, you don't know me and you never will. As for my attempts at humour, even the best comedians can't remove everyone's sticks.
You'd think the BBKA who say they have british beeks interests at the heart of their organisation might get involved ??

Who's a betting person then??
I agree with some of that but not even the best UK beek can raise queens in March I’ll start prepping then inserting drone combs. I have had some mate end of April before I’ve also had some not so good early results😂 you can also look at the likes of Murray itld he’s probably 1 of the larger bee importers and uk queen rearers with his Jolanta set up. Are the you suggesting he’s not a good beek because he imports. Am not sure how many queens you’ve raised but I’ve reared a good few but I’ll buy them in and buy in breeders to rear my own how does that sit. Even the worst beeks can raise queens you simply drop the brood box on her, quality is another matter though!
I never said anything of the sort. You were the one who raised the suggestion of poor beekeeping. I did not point the finger at anyone. Do not put words into my mouth
You'd think the BBKA who say they have british beeks interests at the heart of their organisation might get involved ??

Who's a betting person then??
The bbka have been banging on for years about discouraging importation of bees. This seems to fit their public policies.
I've come to the conclusion that to be successful in Britain and perhaps happy, you have to have the least possible contact with anyone that works in the civil service, otherwise they have you filling out forms for the rest of your life and dreaming up ways to cost you money ......
I have a question that I've never found a definitive answer to. Why do we import bees at all? My bees swarm quite happily and there is always an abundance of queen cells left over when her majesty has left. One of my hives in particular has shedloads of bees in the height of summer, biggest colony I've ever seen and requires four supers on just to have enough room for the bees themselves (and strangely has never swarmed). What is so special about Italian bees?
Someone commented on my insta feed that it’s a commercial concern in that it’s cheaper to import than over winter and so many colonies that go out to pollinate crops are either left to perish or destroyed. Is there any truth to this?
Someone commented on my insta feed that it’s a commercial concern in that it’s cheaper to import than over winter and so many colonies that go out to pollinate crops are either left to perish or destroyed. Is there any truth to this?

I think they are thinking about the US
Thank you ITLD for your excellent and clear explanation of what is going on here. I have no objections to anyone making a profit but the hyperbole surrounding this scheme I find a little unsettling. I hope the government are not swayed by this ridiculous propaganda.
I am not sure of the current situation with SHB in Italy but I would be very concerned about the importation of packages.
I am also concerned for the number of beekeepers who have pre-ordered bees from this company, presumably made a deposit and will unwittingly become aggrieved pawns in this argument.
Ho hum........

Firstly...please stop being so bitter about profit....nobody making a kings ransom here....and if it were not for the ability to make a profit nothing would be available through the appliance trade and non beekeepers would be unable to buy honey in the shops...there is a world of difference between making a profit and profiteering.

However...this story is riddled with is the normal when the press get hold of a story from our trade.

The legal situation about import of packages has been fairly clear for several months now. Myself and other importers paused the process to wait and see if there would be changes. There have been none and the legal position is now settled. No imported packages in 2021 unless there is a sudden last minute change by the UK govt. All the other importers held back, did not take deposits and did not give guarantees. Bee Equipment did the opposite, in the face of the evidence that this was not going to be allowed and have been trying hard to use the Northern Ireland loophole. It was never clear that this would be possible.

So here you have the situation now where they are using other tactics (including emotive 'baby bees') to try to kick door open by railroading the the government.

Nobody else has taken beekeepers money and stuck their neck out financially as we saw the issues looming large. That Bee Equipment went the other way is not now the governments fault. They made a judgement MAY have been an error...but maybe they will still get away with it.

If they DO succeed they have outsmarted us all and well done.

If they fail it was a commercial decision and the loss suffered is down to the importers choices...and many of us make errors that cost us. Myself included. Thats the nature of business

Quite sure that, if the door is firmly closed that nobody is going to take the risk of a high profile import and then have it destroyed. The bees will never leave least not for the UK.

If the government now relents and allow Bee Equipment to do this how does that play with all the other importers who have toed the line and accepted the rules? Will we cooperate with the authorities in future?...because allowing these imports at the expense of others is almost collusion against the people happy to be on your side.....this story has a bit of running to do. Meanwhile the bees are still a dream in a queen's ovaries...long time until they are even an there is abundant time to say 'stop' to the process and no bees ever need to be destroyed.
We have enough viruses imported into this country. It is good to see that DEFRA have taken a stand to cut importations. At least the import of queen bees should be easier to control and trace some infections. This importer is just trying to get around regulations that have been set up with the intention of benefit to the beekeeping community. We really need to rear our own queens as well as worker and drone bees.
There seem to a lot of criteria for describing a beekeeper as a "poor beekeeper" - allowing swarming, low honey yields, poor overwintering etc. I would have thought that an inability to operate a sustainable apiary was right up there (i.e. not raising all their own queens and bees).
Trust me I wouldn’t put anything in your mouth. You clearly said beekeepers raising ALL their own queens. Few serious/commercial beekeepers have never brought queens in even if it’s just the bloke down the road or to improve stock/provide breeders.
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According to that font of all things trivial, The Daily Mail, a man trying to import 15 million baby bees may lose them due to Brexit rules.

The politics of this aside, what on Earth is a 'baby bee'?!
We have enough viruses imported into this country. It is good to see that DEFRA have taken a stand to cut importations. At least the import of queen bees should be easier to control and trace some infections. This importer is just trying to get around regulations that have been set up with the intention of benefit to the beekeeping community. We really need to rear our own queens as well as worker and drone bees.
Nowt to do with deffra or the bee unit, they're (as usual) ineffectual bystanders as events pass them by.
Trust me I wouldn’t put anything in your mouth. You clearly said beekeepers raising ALL their own queens. Few serious beekeepers have never brought queens in even if it’s just the bloke down the road or to improve stock/provide breeders.
Good point, and that is to be expected and/or even desirable. However that is not the same thing as routinely importing queens/packages because they are unable/can't be bothered/save money.
Nowt to do with deffra or the bee unit, they're (as usual) ineffectual bystanders as events pass them by.
From what I have read, this is closer to the truth than other versions. Prior to January 2020 DEFRA wanted alignment on animal health regulations which would have permitted the existing trade to continue. This was over-ruled by the negotiating team (Lord Frost et al) as not giving enough sovereignty. The idea that the negotiations were detailed enough to cover details like the import of bee packages is naive IMHO.
We have enough viruses imported into this country. It is good to see that DEFRA have taken a stand to cut importations. At least the import of queen bees should be easier to control and trace some infections. This importer is just trying to get around regulations that have been set up with the intention of benefit to the beekeeping community. We really need to rear our own queens as well as worker and drone bees.
In no way has this been done by DEFRA to restrict imports it’s just a by product of the DEAl!
This thread as predicted is turning into a possible litigation issue. I’m removing a couple of posts please be careful gentlemen
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