I remember J5 was one of mine but I'm not sure about this one. Was that one of mine too? Our numbering systems are different so it's hard to remember which is which.
The J5 line was a good one....now onto J5A and J5B...just a couple of trial grafts from each to test their wintering..up to now seems good..will send you some pics in spring.
J23 that in Italy is known as F25 was a queen heading a very gentle and productive main unit colony that showed up really well on all our selection criteria so was hauled home for Jolanta. One of the best ever. Its local progeny did brilliantly, and its Italian progeny...albeit crossed with Buckfast...really did the business there. I posted some pics of the brood it had on a visit to Puglia a couple fof years back on twitter...the line ended up included in their Buckfast programme out in Italy. The actual location we dug it out from was adjacent to Castle Fraser in Aberdeenshire.
Jolanta and I were talking with Ged Marshall a couple of years back about selection of lines. We are really lucky insofar as we have some 4000 colonies out there and only need to bring well less than 0.5% in for the programme..including as starters and finishers. Actually about 1 in 300 if even that many. You can set the bar very high. The size of pool to draw from gives Jolanta a huge edge. If you think you have 5 good breeders from say 30 hives your criteria are toiling for making constant improvement. Even then, they get brought home from the field chosen by a team leader and she herself then goes through them with a critical eye...a fair number get their marching orders out of the unit even before she uses them.
More than 3 cells of chalk in the hive?
Spotty brood at all?
Lack of pollen or lack of diversity of pollen?
Weight? (is it a nectar getter?)
Apparent genetic uniformity? (she does not like to graft from colonies with mixed colour workers...makes for mixed colour queens. Its ok with Buckfast as thats their normal, but not for our normal preferred selections)
then there is her personal special.......'runaboutyness'
Any of these can get a colony rejected as a breeder.......even as a starter finisher if she does not choose it as a graft mother because the drones from it will enter the pool...so she looks at the drones too and if THEY are all suitable she will use it.
However..some colonies are very good starters and finishers...other do not like doing it some much...if they do a consistently lower number they too get sent off to the field to earn a living.
She culls (as in sends away) the rejected full colonies at the queen unit a few times a season. Quite irritating while we are in full on mode on the main hives, but its her perfectionism that gets the results.
Our current superstar is J31. A pretty dark carnica type probably actually a complex carnica/mellifera mix that is very stable, Every one of her progeny do very well indeed.....really good weight to strength ratio, gentle, big dark bees, low swarmers (but not nil), tough as nails in winter.
This post is WAY off topic......