I hate it when someone says

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I run a pub and I am amazed that the first question the locals ask is 'how many bees do you have?. I always reply saying 'not sure, they keep moving when I'm trying to count them.'

I really don't understand that question.
.................when they say

I am pretty sure I've said a lot of them lol......please don't hate me. I'm new :p
Wot after 1367 forum posts! You should know more than the rest of us put together! Sorry I'm feeling a bit grumpy this morning!

I hate it when they say "My bees are so friendly, angelic never need to smoke them, could inspect without gloves,suit, clothes even! I've never been stung!" HRRRUMPHH!....feeling less grumpy now!!!
Wot after 1367 forum posts! You should know more than the rest of us put together! Sorry I'm feeling a bit grumpy this morning!

I hate it when they say "My bees are so friendly, angelic never need to smoke them, could inspect without gloves,suit, clothes even! I've never been stung!" HRRRUMPHH!....feeling less grumpy now!!!

Jeez! Has it been that many posts?! Haha, told you guys I talk too much :p

I ask a lot of daft questions lol

I was surprised to find the other day that bees were nesting in my cavity wall. They are definately honey bees as I'd seen a swarm in May, and I'd heard on TV how Einstin said they were being killed off by mobile phones - so I decided to become a newbeek.

Buying myself a small nuke to hold them in I was bitten several times as I tried catching them in a net - they certainly didnt beehive themselves!

After they were in I was pretty sure that my hive was queenless. Then I saw Her Majesty.

Now my bees are lovely, but do you ever get stung? I asked two local beeks the question and they gave me three answers, one suggested I paint HM the same colour every year (prehaps a nice brown), one suggested that I leave some literature about for the girls to peruse, but however hard I try the bees don't read the books and the last suggested that top bee space is better than bottom bee space or was it the other way around - I just let it bee.

Finally someone asked my if I make honey. Well I had a go but I only got 200 pound off, and to make it worse I dont like honey. I wasnt sure if I could eat the wax either, so I went down to Tesco and bought a jar for 99p.
Definitely hate 'beek' - makes the speaker/writer sound like a shallow wannabe.

'Newbie' comes from elsewhere, but 'newbee' and 'beeginner' are horrid mangled terms. As is 'wannabee'!

Thanks DANBEE!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
I was surprised to find the other day that bees were nesting in my cavity wall. They are definately honey bees as I'd seen a swarm in May, and I'd heard on TV how Einstin said they were being killed off by mobile phones - so I decided to become a newbeek.

Buying myself a small nuke to hold them in I was bitten several times as I tried catching them in a net - they certainly didnt beehive themselves!

After they were in I was pretty sure that my hive was queenless. Then I saw Her Majesty.

Now my bees are lovely, but do you ever get stung? I asked two local beeks the question and they gave me three answers, one suggested I paint HM the same colour every year (prehaps a nice brown), one suggested that I leave some literature about for the girls to peruse, but however hard I try the bees don't read the books and the last suggested that top bee space is better than bottom bee space or was it the other way around - I just let it bee.

Finally someone asked my if I make honey. Well I had a go but I only got 200 pound off, and to make it worse I dont like honey. I wasnt sure if I could eat the wax either, so I went down to Tesco and bought a jar for 99p.

Careful! They'll lynch you! :eek:

28) Nuke instead of Nuc.
Both potentially explosive, only one applying to bees.

That'll be to go with the potentially volcanic lava (and regional variations lavae and lavea).

Not poking fun at all at people who make a typo but if larva is a challenge to remember there's always "grub" (can we avoid "maggot" though which gives us sheep owners the collywobbles). Gee, thanks :eek:
I was surprised to find the other day that bees were nesting in my cavity wall. They are definately honey bees as I'd seen a swarm in May, and I'd heard on TV how Einstin said they were being killed off by mobile phones - so I decided to become a newbeek.

Buying myself a small nuke to hold them in I was bitten several times as I tried catching them in a net - they certainly didnt beehive themselves!

After they were in I was pretty sure that my hive was queenless. Then I saw Her Majesty.

Now my bees are lovely, but do you ever get stung? I asked two local beeks the question and they gave me three answers, one suggested I paint HM the same colour every year (prehaps a nice brown), one suggested that I leave some literature about for the girls to peruse, but however hard I try the bees don't read the books and the last suggested that top bee space is better than bottom bee space or was it the other way around - I just let it bee.

Finally someone asked my if I make honey. Well I had a go but I only got 200 pound off, and to make it worse I dont like honey. I wasnt sure if I could eat the wax either, so I went down to Tesco and bought a jar for 99p.

Brilliant Monsieur A - brilliant!
This is a very popular thread, possibly because we're all picky and petty? I know I am.

I hate OP, why not use the posters name? Always look rude to me.