I've just visited a young couple who watched a swarm (2 days ago) enter their flat roof above the kitchen extension. The narrow soffit type space does have a wire mesh fitted presumably to stop insects entering but it's a terrible job and has left a bee width slit stretching almost the length of the wall.
They are absolutely cash strapped and asking for options. They tried to call pest exterminators but are finding a call out a 3 week wait typically.
So.... (and I hate this) - could they spray them/ entombed them? Surely quite apart from being a horrible thing to do, the mass of bee bodies/brood and wax might decompose and cause a mess. Would it smell and or stain through the plaster board.
OR (I'm recalling vaguely) does sealing the slit and then fixing a one way mesh cone over a small remaining entrance work to bleed them off? I seem to recall a method mentioned doing this and also giving them a nuc with a frame of open brood hanging close by to go in to.
Sorry I'm sounding vague. I'd always left this to others but now it's close to home and causing considerable distress to this couple. It's directly above their kitchen door which doesn't help. I'd gladly give them the materials and help if this would save them a financial blow.
Any suggestions very gratefully received (and no, they're NOT my bees lol).