Honey Labels science

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hedgerow pete

Queen Bee
Jan 26, 2009
Reaction score
UK, Birmingham, Sandwell. Pork scratching Bandit c
Hive Type
right before i start ,

i want to know does anyone know where i can either find on the internet or in a book information about the science and structure on the designs of honey labels.

I am looking for the theory side of the design, if tescos and asda have departments for this sort of stuff it should come under a oligy some where so whats its called and what are the ground rules.
ok thats not very helpfull, i am sure if i pop down to the library and ask for a book on design and marketing it wont have any labels inside it to help me along.

come on surley with the amount of massively brainy people on this site some one knows what the basic ideals are for label designs.

great , we can send a man to the moon and calulate massive numbers but no one knows how to write honey on a jam jar???????????????

so driston rant over where abouts would you start looking for the holy grail of honey labels, hummm. leather, bull whips, silly hats and open shirts, sounds like my sort of weekend, i must go and change
I would wander round your local supermarket. As you say the big companies spend millions on this sort of thing but there is nothing to stop you stealing their ideas. Like taking cuttings from a public garden or a garden centre.

I've given this link before but it shows how effective something simple can be: http://www.lovebonnemaman.co.uk/

For honey I think you can take two approaches - use labels that look like ones already in use (gold foil or with a picture of something like a typical cottage garden) or go for something very different. Such as an abstract design. I was told a picture of a bee puts people off but I've never found that but I suspect a small number might be affected.

I add a second label on the back to mine with information about the honey.
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i must admit i was drawn towards an old victorian label design, black ink on a colour back ground but, then started towards a colour plate instead. i must admit the one thing i dont like but would use if it worked as a sales point was a gold label, i dont see them every, but the colour of honey and the label to me personal blur, when on honey jars and i wanted some thing different.

heres a couple of thoughts. many years ago when hugh F whittingstall started the river cottage lark he got someone to do a simple basic back ground design for his labels so he then over printed them with what ever was inside the jar.

i also like the wine label standard forms and i would like to incude the year as a prominent factor, bad or good idea.

i liked that idea massively, as whats the point in printing say 500 lables when i have a bad year and only need 300,and have to throw away 200 labels that are dated etc. so the idea of over printing works for economical reasons, i think??

the second idea was that i want to turn the "hedgerow pete" idea into a product and sellable idea, not just bees but other items to, so what ever i choose will go towards letter heads, address labels every thing realy.

normaly for my honey jars and i have none left other wise i would upload the photo, is i stick a big label on the front, name, and picture, but very little else, and i then have a standard blurbb label for the back, where its from, weights and that sort of stuff and a small third one that goes on first on the jar.

printing wise this means that i can get say a 1,000 of each for the lid and back side labels and get the benifits of printing costs but its the front lables that sell the product and it that one i need to realy polish and work on and spend money on .

the last thing is how does one go about copyrighting ones bum?
heres the GREAT plan. keep the plain round pound jars to sell as standard normal people but i was liking the idea of going into kilner style jars instead to aim at a slightly higher markey and profit line. the photo shows someone elses product but i like the stupid ribbon and the idea of making the product differant to the eye rather than a plain jam jar

View attachment 3393

here are another couple of pictures with ideas for the hedgerow label

View attachment 3394

this to me is art deco. i like the lay out if i change the butterfly to a simple HONEY word and around the outside top of the label would be hedgerow pete. colours are to dark for my liking though.

View attachment 3395

this is the victorian label i was thinking about, but after reading that great link may be its too busy??

View attachment 3396

and lastly this was the idea i was looking into a lot of animals on it that would go but the idea of a colourful hedgerow cartoon picture does appeal. some thing with colours but no real flowers on it, with the hedgerow going from close up on the right to far away on the left say at a 45 degree angle similar to this one

and the last idea is some thing completley off the peg barking mad cartoon charicture of either me or the hedgerow. ever heard of the black farmer products at asda and sainsburys, i could be black country farmer??

so whats your thoughts
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Love the art deco butterfly label, Pete, it's got bags of impact and looks rich and intriguing (as opposed to boring). Keep the deep colours, they make it. Never mind the honey, I'd buy it for the label!
Here's a link to free software for Avery label designs. http://www.avery.com/avery/en_us/Templates-&-Software/Software/Avery-DesignPro-for-PC.htm If you are using MS Office or Word, go to the Tools tab and scan down to Envelopes and Labels where there a wide range of templates including Avery. Best printers for such labelling as you have in mind are probably Epson Photo series. You may already know about all this - just want to help if I can.
thanks arfermo i did not know that, being the techno wizzard that i am , i was planning on finding some with real talent and toeither get them to draw or paint a specific scene for me or to find someone with a camera for a hedgerow shoot.

is they any Artists on the forum, and i only want clean answers please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

or someone that can do graphic design stuff.

still not had a reply about how to copy right my self, does anyone do this all ready? and how do you do it cheaply
cheers thanks for that , i thought there was going to be a big pile of paper work to do, when ever i get to deal with any bureaucracy, i start to think of the film Brazil!!from the 80's.

so , we have the label ideas and the copyright sorted and poly hive has put me on the straight and narrow with the jars and labels and completley panned my great idea and gave me another even greater idea to source.

so all i need now is someone who wants to do the art work.

I have just had a massive hedgerow idea, can you still go to any art college and ask or put up a poster for the students to do it for me for beer money. now where s the nearest art college or uni near to smethwick, cause thats an idea i like!!!
I'm in the spot too HP - Since I started beekeeping my neighbour Harry (90) has said...'Your bees are on my flowers again...how much can I charge per flower?? So the only honey I have had (1/2 a jar) I gave to Harry...so I have decided to call my honey 'Harry's Honey' in a handwritten label style...but I'm still not sure...Plus when I am selling at various places (hopefully)...will I have to explain why I am selling Harry's Honey?...If I am there that is??
I'm in the spot too HP - Since I started beekeeping my neighbour Harry (90) has said...'Your bees are on my flowers again...how much can I charge per flower?? So the only honey I have had (1/2 a jar) I gave to Harry...so I have decided to call my honey 'Harry's Honey' in a handwritten label style...but I'm still not sure...Plus when I am selling at various places (hopefully)...will I have to explain why I am selling Harry's Honey?...If I am there that is??

So you won't even label your stuff as Devon honey so the poor old sods like me with arthritis, asthma and hayfever (not true) won't be certain of any relief from these ailments? Shame. You will no doubt give 'em each a leaflet instead?
So you won't even label your stuff as Devon honey so the poor old sods like me with arthritis, asthma and hayfever (not true) won't be certain of any relief from these ailments? Shame. You will no doubt give 'em each a leaflet instead?

yes and on that leaflet in very big letters so you can see it without your glasses on will say buy more of this local honey before you pop your clogs you old, unwell, health hazzard, grumpy sod, lol lol

i have just been searching the local collages , get this smethwick and sandwell does not have an art collage at all its either clothes or cameras, no one uses paints any more!!!!

i have to go over to the university at brimingham by the library and town hall as the nearest thing by me full of arty students.

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