Home Made Oxallic Sublimator

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I think oxalic acid is in some veggies, nuts etc in trace ammounts, I just handle the way i would any other household chemical.
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I think oxalic acid is in some veggies, nuts etc in trace ammounts, I just handle the way i would any other household chemical.

OK but maybe different dousing a hive with it on a number of occasions , might be high levells found in following years crop of honey ?? Bad in any way ??
OK , but to pursue further

Is having a trace of Oxallic a bad thing in your hone, is a trace of Oxallic dangerous / harmful in any way ?

Anyone who knows ?

Yes, it kill beekeepers stone dead who ask too many questions. :D
OK but maybe different dousing a hive with it on a number of occasions , might be high levells found in following years crop of honey ?? Bad in any way ??

Ah sorry mate, I totally missed the point.
Well gotta be sure , don't want after a couple years of consumption to wake up with a third nipple , and be known as Scarramanga ! :D

Emmm I see your point. Best use the better half as the guinea pig.....could be interesting!
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Light your smoker not only to keep any eye on the wind direction (even if you have a mask on), but also to gently smoke the bees and loosen the cluster if you are doing the OAV in cool weather. Quoted

I think this and most of that link is a waste of life reading it and even more so for the person typing it.
Why smoke the bees to loosen the cluster up just vaporize them as i'm sure that will loosen them up.

As for face masks i do have one but don't use it as i learned pretty quick to keep out the way of the smoke, especially after i done a trial run in a 8ft x6ft shed when i first bought a vaporizer, regardless of all that nonsense and from my limited personal experience, if you block the hive up properly before treatment very little vapor is wasted out.

The only thing on that list that was missing was some black and white paint to paint a big Jolly Roger on each hive that has been done .
from observations My personal opinion is you are more likely to breathe in OA dust when you take out the varrox to do your next hive (more of a problem I think if you vape from under the OMF, which means you also have to the heat proof tray with you for the next one) so a dust mask is more important then (and no big deal to don one if you feel so inclined
Pictures of mine as promised. Tried out this am - works a treat. Just needs a bit added to balance it when in the hive.. tips backwards.

What kind of glow plug have you used? i know nothing about glow plugs, aren't there different powered plugs to consider?
What kind of glow plug have you used? i know nothing about glow plugs, aren't there different powered plugs to consider?



http://tinyurl.com/nlhyjf5 (fast delivery)

Champion CH154..

Works perfectly - fast heat up - glowing within 15 secs.. Sublimates 2g OA in under 2mins 15 secs..
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from observations My personal opinion is you are more likely to breathe in OA dust when you take out the varrox to do your next hive (more of a problem I think if you vape from under the OMF, which means you also have to the heat proof tray with you for the next one) so a dust mask is more important then (and no big deal to don one if you feel so inclined

I bought the element for £2.50 on eBay. Going to give it a try. With 5 hives to do I hope it lasts!

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