Bee suits

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Will Cooper

New Bee
Oct 19, 2024
Reaction score
West Berkshire
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Is there anything to say that Breeze suits are actually any good? I have soft cotton ones and although am triple gloves with two hats on, I’m still suffering from stings.
What’s a good protective suit please or are they all much the same ?
Lots of threads on bee suits .. sadly, there are loads of different opinions and in the end it's what works for you .. the better quality you can buy (in many respects) the better the protection from stings.

I have the Old Castle Farm hives jackets Sentinel Pro - they have gone up a bit in price since I bought mine I'm afraid but it's pretty much bee proof and I've never been strung through them.

You will get loads of opinions I fear - the best thing to do is go to one of the shows (you still have chance to go the National Honey Show today or tomorrow) and try some suits on and see what feels comfortable.

Here's Old Castle:

But have a look at these threads:£50.45576/
Second vote for Old Castle. I have used their ventilated suit for 2 years and no stings through it. The idea of these is that they have 3 layers, the total depth of which is more than the length of a sting.
If your bees are that nasty ( is it all the time) that you need to wear 3 gloves, I would review your handling technique or re queen. In my first couple of years my bees could be feisty, but I knew no different. Having learned, I now only stock (generally) gentle bees
No matter how good, you, or your bees,are, you will get stung occasionally
Any beekeeper that tells you different has never really kept bees !

I won't tolerate bees that sting without reason but if you cause a bee distress (accidentally trap it or squash it) it's obvious that it's going to sting you. Followers and those that are intent on attacking you ... the queen shoud be replaced - there is no pleasure in dealing with bees like that when it is so easy to buy in a queen that will give you bees that can be handled reasonably.
Any beekeeper that tells you different has never really kept bees !

I won't tolerate bees that sting without reason but if you cause a bee distress (accidentally trap it or squash it) it's obvious that it's going to sting you. Followers and those that are intent on attacking you ... the queen shoud be replaced - there is no pleasure in dealing with bees like that when it is so easy to buy in a queen that will give you bees that can be handled reasonably.
Both hives through last year were a dream. This year they’ve turned feral. I’ll give them a chance when I open them in spring but think need requeening
Second vote for Old Castle. I have used their ventilated suit for 2 years and no stings through it. The idea of these is that they have 3 layers, the total depth of which is more than the length of a sting.
If your bees are that nasty ( is it all the time) that you need to wear 3 gloves, I would review your handling technique or re queen. In my first couple of years my bees could be feisty, but I knew no different. Having learned, I now only stock (generally) gentle bees
I’ll get one. It’s only this year since June that both hives have almost become bad tempered. Last year I could happily go though them. I had one sting all year and that was a misplaced finger on a lug. I’ve had 10 in total on two visits in last month.
Have they, or you, changed the queen? For me it has been a very odd year, with weather so changeable and at times so dramatic , that my bees temperament changed back and forth during the year. Never so bad that I thought about taking action. See what they are like in spring
I’ll get one. It’s only this year since June that both hives have almost become bad tempered. Last year I could happily go though them. I had one sting all year and that was a misplaced finger on a lug. I’ve had 10 in total on two visits in last month.
It could be the changed genetics as a result of the new queen - however, bear in mind that they are now well into preparing for winter and if they are strong they could well resent you interfering with them. It's past time when you should leave them be - as long as they are well stored up for winter there's not much to be done now that needs interference. Be optimistic, you could well find they are more amenable in Spring - and if they are not there is plenty of time to requeen then. Give them the chance, don't assume they will be the same.
Have they, or you, changed the queen? For me it has been a very odd year, with weather so changeable and at times so dramatic , that my bees temperament changed back and forth during the year. Never so bad that I thought about taking action. See what they are like in spring
You are right about changing behaviour. In the early part of the year I would sit and have a brew a few feet from several busy hives to observe, other than the odd one bumping into me on journeys to and from the bees just ignored me. At some point that changed and I started getting buzzed within a few seconds of moving into the apiary and when withdrawing they would folow to a perimineter of about 25ft. I had one or two determined ones that pursued and 1 even following me into my workshop and that is unusual. These last weeks we are back to friendly terms and I sit or move close by each hive without any reaction. If you only have a few colonies as I do then you get to know there individual traits, some get a little narky if it is the wrong time of day or you have had to make 2 back to back visits. The larger colonies can be less forgiving. Now to the queens, I think this chap has had a change of queens and not for the better, he may be suffering from the 3rd gen nasties. Supposedly one more gen onwards and they will calm......mmmmmm

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