Do you think it would be ok to try again tomorrow if weather is fine or should I leave it a few days?
Welcome! you are not alone in having some fiesty bees what with the current weather!
You have not said how many frames they are on, or how many spare frames they have, also did they have stores?
You have not said what type of gloves your are using - 2 thin latex jobs is still pretty thin! Purchase some thick gardening gloves (Marrigold blacks, most supermarkets sell them) for some thickness and wear them under some yellow wash up gloves, that should give you quick protection and cover up the black colour.
I dont think you should inspect again for a week, you have seen eggs and larvae - good enough to tell you a queen is present and laying a couple of days ago.
You don't mention what stores they had or your local weather, much could depend on this. If it has been dry for some time and is now raining or continued dry weather they might be short of stores because of a poor local nectar flow, thats enough to get them going on it's own. I would give them 1xltr in a rapid feeder now (through a feeding hole in the crown board), see how quickly it goes and if necessary give them another 1xltr in 3 days (just check the feeder not the hive).
If your gear has been stung get it all cleaned with mild detergent and some washing soda crystals so no 'warning' / 'attack' pheromones on it for next time.
Get your gloves, plan what you want to see and have another go in a week.
Look for:
eggs & larvae again
how many frames are drawn
how many have sealed brood
If that brood has a nice even pattern and the cappings are not raised (drone layer if they are)
Is there a nice arc of honey and pollen above the brood areas
Are the frames at the edge of the brood area noticeably heavier than the brood area - if not may be short on stores?
Check that open comb is not completely full of the syrup you fed, if it is dont give any more.
Finally - and you already been advised in prev posts, reduce entrance, protec them against wasps and robbing.
Relax for the week, see if you can get some help from your local association, let us know how you got on after next inspection.