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I agree.
I’m a firm believer in a varied diet. My mother taught me how to cook and how to shop locally and I did the same with my daughter. I eat little meat but what I do I enjoy. I also think that cattle farming is one of the biggest drivers of our climate change but horizon to horizon planting of almonds or soya is not the answer.

Nor is ruining the countryside with windmills or acres of solar panels !
Vegan is a diet, people seem to confuse it with animal right activists.
That's the problem - there are two types of veganism - one is just a diet choice, the other is more like a religious cult.
Well here goes to the bin my weekly avocado face mask, my vegan beard softening lotion and my high morals!!!

I remember taking my ex to France to meet my parents and when I told my mum she had to cater for a vegan she firstly had to look it up and came up with:'she can graze on the front lawn then"....
So even your dictionary definition you are breaking. How can you not use other animal products of you own 10 hives? Even if you don't eat honey yourself you will be selling the animal products. But that aside (and I really am mainly being tongue in cheek). I am passing no pre-concieved ideas on you, I really dont care what diet you or anyone else follows (as long as it is legal) nor would I try to encourage you to change your diet.

Sorry to hear about your hospitalisation, I do hope you are in a better place now.

Why does my choice of not eating meat and dairy inspire you to question my morals? It's very strange.
That's the problem - there are two types of veganism - one is just a diet choice, the other is more like a religious cult.

The problem is people assume your moral stance by what you choose to eat for lunch.

I've been eating like this for years, I thrive on it and don't care what other people eat it has nothing to do with me. Over those years when people work out your vegan you have two types of response:

1. They ask if you eat meat, you say no. They ask if it's for health, you say yes - carry on with the conversation.
2. They ask if you eat meat. They then develop the same stupid look on their face and I can see them going through the Rolodex of ill-informed Facebook posts about vegans. You're then subjected to one of three topics:
- soy, rice, avocados or whatever is the food of the month is popular is killing the planet.
- that you are wearing leather shoes
- or my personal favourite its an unhealthy diet, typically delivered by someone who can't touch their toes or hold a conversation walking upstairs

It's amazing how keen some people are to be judgemental given the chance.
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The problem is people assume your moral stance by what you choose to eat for lunch.

I've been eating like this for years, I thrive on it and don't care what other people eat it has nothing to do with me. Over those years when people work out your vegan you have three types of response:

1. They ask if you eat meat, you say no. They ask if it's for health, you say yes - carry on with the conversation.
2. They ask if you eat meat. They then develop the same stupid look on their face and I can see them going through the Rolodex of ill-informed Facebook posts about vegans. You're then subjected to one of three topics:
- soy, rice, avocados or whatever on the food of the month is popular is killing the planet.
- that you are wearing leather shoes
- or my personal favourite its an unhealthy diet, typically delivered by someone who can't touch their toes or hold a conversation walking upstairs

It's amazing how keen some people are to be judgemental given the chance.

You just judged someone for not touching their toes??????????????
Hydrogen will be the way forward. The amount of

You just judged someone for not touching their toes??????????????

I think if someone has the nerve to tell me I have an unhealthy diet while they are too fat to touch their toes it's a fair observation on my part.
My granny used to say religion and other beliefs are like your willy, it's ok to get it out and stroke it at home but when your shoving it in other people's faces it's rude and unwanted.
I'm gonna open the can of worms here ....... You could even say they were the first to invent environmental management before the yoga mat brigade jumped on the electric band wagon .

Some of us do yoga , are not vegan but quite like vegetables and fruit and pulses etc.


I cannot say I have ever met an unpleasant vegan in the flesh.But there appear to be lots of online ones :cool:
My granny used to say religion and other beliefs are like your willy, it's ok to get it out and stroke it at home but when your shoving it in other people's faces it's rude and unwanted.
Hmmm - no comment! (Purely from memory of years ago)
I am trying to eat a mainly plant based diet. I think it is better for the planet and insects. I am looking forward to returning to Harper Adams. It is always interesting to discuss the choices we make in our lives. We dont have to agree but we need to listen to each other with respect.

I often wonder at the lack of diversity in beekeeping in the UK. Bees are great levellers. IMHO a good beekeepers listen to their bees. It is the an important trait.
A friend who happens to be a vegan helped me get my first colony of bees.
Aren't prejudice and intolerance totally unhelpful in any respect and so often based on ignorance and lack of understanding? I despair daily at the current obsession with encouraging an 'us versus them' attitude on just about every matter which is in the news these days.

- Admittedly I shall be feeling differently when the rugby is on... ...
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IMHO stereotyping or mocking a group of people because they have made a different dietary choice, is no more acceptable than mocking people of a different religion, ethnic origin or sexual orientation.
And it appears from the article that the HA bullies mock all those.
- that you are wearing leather shoes

My green wellies are made of some kind of petrochemical plastic, says "anti allergic rubber free" on the instep....
Does that make me a vegan?
The Vegan Society speaks only for its members in its interpretation of what veganism is, and probably many of those members don't subscribe to the definition in its entirety. It has no standing to speak for all vegans.