Yikes - the Hanging Gardens of Birkenhead?View attachment 13637
Although not strictly suburbs,
The Balsam is still producing a strong flow on the Mersey valley.
View attachment 13637
Although not strictly suburbs,
The Balsam is still producing a strong flow on the Mersey valley.
What's the use of a strong flow NOW?
Being slightly serious...The damn stuff has just reached here too. From a beekeeping perspective, isn't it just a nuisance and a complication? What's the use of a strong flow NOW?
Being slightly serious...The damn stuff has just reached here too. From a beekeeping perspective, isn't it just a nuisance and a complication? What's the use of a strong flow NOW?
I have a farm that i can put hives on that is full of the stuff all the way along a stream, the other place where i have my bees at present has none of the stuff, i have collected a few hundred seeds but i feel guilty purposely introducing it and i would be sussed out anyway by the keeper and farm house, what is the law with planting this invasive plant, not that i am going too.I'd love to have balsam around herewonderful top up from early autumn to late season
what is the law with planting this invasive plant, not that i am going too.
Illegal - it's an invasive plant and to allow or cause it's spread can land you with a pretty hefty fine. Believe you me, when it gets going it can take over the place.
the way it scatters them seeds makes it nae on impossible to eradicate.
Speak to the army of off comers in The Lake District......They are expert.
Not a head of balsam escapes their ire.
The trick is to get it before it flowers as it is an annual and in a few years you will be balsam free....no spray, you have to pull it up
Do they allow internet access in Jail? I would miss your posts.
, Hopefully i will not be doing anything under her majesties pleasure any time soon, however time will tell.
the farmer has sprayed it several times over the years but it has made no difference, the way it scatters them seeds makes it nae on impossible to eradicate.
I'd love to have balsam around herewonderful top up from early autumn to late season
You might if you keep using that oxalic
So do I
I'm too old to go to prison
Sitting here at doctors waiting for a flu jab is bad enough