Gardens of Suburbia : Forage month by month

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Sadly ours are at least a month or more away....just sticking their heads out at the moment. Only thing out around here is the snowdrops and they have only just appeared.

I have several: "Black Knight" is an absolute magnet to all insects and smells divine! The white one doesn't get so much attention. I think it depends on which variety you have.

I stand to be corrected but I believe it is down to the shape of the flower and whether the bees tongue can reach the nectar.
Hawthorn gone, bramble just starting to flower. Hopefully the bramble will be very productive this year and the June gap will be nonexistent.
Local locust trees in full flower. Not sure if honey bees like them, never saw them last year. Lime just about to flower. Hooray
Hawthorn well over now.
Clover and bramble in the wings but we need rain desperately
Beech and oak seem to be providing honeydew.
I’m not suburban though :D
Part of the 'June gap'- Bramble & Privet. Fingers crossed for the Lime
bramble & privet.jpg
Willowherb and Balsam out already! Things have definitely caught up.
willowherb june 2018.jpg

balsam june 2018.jpg
I’ve a rambling rose, “Rambling Rector”, in full flower in my garden. I’ve never seen so many honey bees on a plant. I think I’ll try and propagate it, and give one free with every jar of honey sold.
OK it was just the one bee I saw on buttercups. But it was certainly not because of shortage of other foraging options. So what is that about I wonder? Meanwhile my colonies certainly look like they are thriving. The proportion of buttercup pollen will be miniscule.

The previous two year saw my bees fill May supers on Quince blossom from a neighbouring orchard (Quince honey is incredible), but this year they seemed to ignore it completely, preferring to forage in neighbour's gardens.
Fortunately the June-gap is just a myth around here.
I’ve a rambling rose, “Rambling Rector”, in full flower in my garden. I’ve never seen so many honey bees on a plant. I think I’ll try and propagate it, and give one free with every jar of honey sold.

Same here. The thing has been humming for a week
Bramble seems endless here also thistle, clover & privet, willow herb just starting and HB threatening seems we are getting just enough rain to keep things going bees doing really well
White clover cover in honey and bumble bees. Wild rose and bramble also very popular.
About 20 lime trees 1mile away from my house just about to burst ... hope the bees find them....

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