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OK you do not like to listen to the facts... none as deaf as those who will not listen!!

Yeghes da

Why I should listen some Ice Age beekeeper, when I know things better? Because I should be open minded to all kinds of jokes and nonsense.

To learn every day something new..... That makes you a good beekeeper. If you have an Opel car, of course you use KIA's spareparts to it. Just Mind open....
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You’ve all missed the scam........

“Source established colonies from as near to your home apiary as possible”

This is like selling homing pigeons time and time again!!!

I do like to listen (and read).

I would have welcomed an article providing rational justification for the order on the front page.

So come one then, convince me...

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Bit aggressive dont you think?

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Hit a nerve?

I'm sure there are more productive, disease resistant, gentle queens than the ones that I use.

I'm happy to try them out no matter what race.

In not fixed on a particular type of bee and happy to be proven wrong.

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Thinks he's hit your nerve old bean :icon_204-2::icon_204-2:
Getting some to think in the first place would be a massive step forward.

It seems to me that some people want it all their own way. I don't mind a bit of banter but it's the sign of an argument lost when it descends to personal attacks or abuse.
It is no secret that I prefer carnica. Others prefer Buckfast, Amm or Ligustica. That's their choice. The nub of the discussion is that a queen mates in free flight with a number of drones in nature. If one group wishes to preserve the integrity of their chosen bee, it is for them to take steps (i.e. instrumental insemination) rather than seek to impede other peoples efforts.
Another thought strikes me. Why don't we see any talk of testing or selection to improve the bee? I have often thought it incongruent that the "I" in "BIBBA" should stand for "Improvement" yet we hear no talk of it. I would have thought this would be a primary concern for a group that seeks to conserve a bee which is notorious for its temper.
It seems to me that some people want it all their own way. I don't mind a bit of banter but it's the sign of an argument lost when it descends to personal attacks or abuse.
It is no secret that I prefer carnica. Others prefer Buckfast, Amm or Ligustica. That's their choice. The nub of the discussion is that a queen mates in free flight with a number of drones in nature. If one group wishes to preserve the integrity of their chosen bee, it is for them to take steps (i.e. instrumental insemination) rather than seek to impede other peoples efforts.
Another thought strikes me. Why don't we see any talk of testing or selection to improve the bee? I have often thought it incongruent that the "I" in "BIBBA" should stand for "Improvement" yet we hear no talk of it. I would have thought this would be a primary concern for a group that seeks to conserve a bee which is notorious for its temper.

Do you feel like the lone batsman still standing in front of the wicket ... when everyone else has gone home for tea??

The some tit comes along and tosses you a ball!

Chons da
I don’t think he’s the lone batsman at all in fact he’s probably in the group of beeks that run the vast majority of hives in the country. As for bibba I remember them in the 80s they have achieved nothing!!!!
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I’ve been waiting on this board for about 8 years hoping beyond hope that someone might come along and provide me with a definition of what an AMM bee actually is.
:........................snip....................It is no secret that I prefer carnica. Others prefer Buckfast, Amm or Ligustica. That's their choice. The nub of the discussion is that a queen mates in free flight with a number of drones in nature. If one group wishes to preserve the integrity of their chosen bee, it is for them to take steps (i.e. instrumental insemination) rather than seek to impede other peoples efforts.........edit.........

Point well made and one I whole heartedly agree with.
Exactly my point.

It’s any dark bee, whether in North Wales, Cornwall or Tooting Bec.

Apparently not, but I understand that DNA analysis is required to confirm true AMM.
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Exactly my point.

It’s any dark bee, whether in North Wales, Cornwall or Tooting Bec.

Alas not...Amm was the original bee that once was the only strain of bee in the UK and Western Europe. It's purity here was wiped out when IofW decimated UK bee stocks with Amm being the big victim and large scale imports of "foreign" strains where brought to the UK to replace bee numbers. These subsequently interbred with any surviving Amms thus creating the mongrel landscape we have today. Except there are a few isolated pockets of "pure-ish" Amm's remaining.
They have their aficionados who love them. And like all true lovers they remain blind to their inadequacies when compared to many of the modern strains that have had some intensive breeding improvements for temper/fecundity/honey yields etc...
But each to their own...they do make lovely white capping's though.
Alas not...Amm was the original bee that once was the only strain of bee in the UK and Western Europe. It's purity here was wiped out when IofW decimated UK bee stocks with Amm being the big victim and large scale imports of "foreign" strains where brought to the UK to replace bee numbers. These subsequently interbred with any surviving Amms thus creating the mongrel landscape we have today. Except there are a few isolated pockets of "pure-ish" Amm's remaining.
They have their aficionados who love them. And like all true lovers they remain blind to their inadequacies when compared to many of the modern strains that have had some intensive breeding improvements for temper/fecundity/honey yields etc...
But each to their own...they do make lovely white capping's though.

Talking out of your arse again... usual old carp from Nigel!!

Chons da
Your problem Dave is you cannot debate with facts so resort to personal abuse.
You are becoming "the Amm are best movement;s " worst enemy.

,,,you may need a while to work that one out...particularly if you have been on the mead again
Alas not...Amm was the original bee that once was the only strain of bee in the UK and Western Europe. It's purity here was wiped out when IofW decimated UK bee stocks with Amm being the big victim and large scale imports of "foreign" strains where brought to the UK to replace bee numbers. These subsequently interbred with any surviving Amms thus creating the mongrel landscape we have today. Except there are a few isolated pockets of "pure-ish" Amm's remaining.
They have their aficionados who love them. And like all true lovers they remain blind to their inadequacies when compared to many of the modern strains that have had some intensive breeding improvements for temper/fecundity/honey yields etc...
But each to their own...they do make lovely white capping's though.

But I still haven’t been presented with an official breed standard for the fabled ‘Black Bee’ by any recognised body....because it doesn’t exist.

I have ‘slightly brown’ mongrel bees that produce exceptionally white cappings and exhibit all of the supposed traits of Cushman’s listed requirements for the elusive AMM.

I think that I’ll label them AMH (Apis Mellifera Haughton) and demand that they become a recognised and accepted strain of British honey bee.

I’ll be selling Queens next season at £50 a pop.

Any takers?
But I still haven’t been presented with an official breed standard for the fabled ‘Black Bee’ by any recognised body...?

Sorry to hear you have been left out of the official standard. You need to ask Hoppy as he claims his have been officially DNA tested, although the little imp refuses to divulge the results.
Cannot understand why [wry grin]
But I still haven’t been presented with an official breed standard for the fabled ‘Black Bee’ by any recognised body....because it doesn’t exist.

I have ‘slightly brown’ mongrel bees that produce exceptionally white cappings and exhibit all of the supposed traits of Cushman’s listed requirements for the elusive AMM.

I think that I’ll label them AMH (Apis Mellifera Haughton) and demand that they become a recognised and accepted strain of British honey bee.

I’ll be selling Queens next season at £50 a pop.

Any takers?
See if they'll advertise on the front of the next BBKA magazine for you?

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