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Stupid comment. As I understsand it, the RSPCA get no govt funding - they rely on donations. No donations = no RSPCA. Is that what you want?

The RSpca spend thousands of pounds taking someone to court, who then more often than not gets off with a slap on the wrist and when that person is 'banned' from keeping animals ( totally unpoliceable) they think it's a victory. Unfortunately their priorities are totally misguided. Their 'guidelines' make it virtually possible to rehome an animal and they put too many healthy creatures to sleep. An animal which finds itself in their 'care' has virtually been sentenced to death.
So there! That's my rant over!
i am anti rspca because of there programes of care and rehousing animals, which is how they describe fox movements. i dont like there hollier than tho attitude to other people and there animals. did you know that you HAVE TO BE interviewed twice to release a dog from there dogs homes, once at the home and once at your house, they then HAVE TO measure your garden and work out if you are exceptable to recieve a dog and if so the garden size dictates what size dog you are allowed.

dont do any of that you dont get the dog.

we phoned the whippet reascue people a quick polite chat a few questions answered and we went to collect the dog a few weeks later , and at a lot less than the rspca was going to charge us.

and last part of the rant is is the rspca goes on and on and on about who little money they have and no funds and dogs are going hungry tonight because they cant afford a dog biscuit.

last i heard they have millons yes millons invested in properties and stocks and shares and as for the amounts little old ladies leave to them in wills is also millons too.

and no i dont belive people who are cruel to animals . should be taken to court, thats the wrong way. it should be do unto the animal as we will now do to you.

i have a whippet at home that through its first two owners near spent a night inside or a day without a beating or *** burns. i am quite willing to step in a return the favours they bestowed on my dog, twice over
The RSpca spend thousands of pounds taking someone to court, who then more often than not gets off with a slap on the wrist and when that person is 'banned' from keeping animals ( totally unpoliceable) they think it's a victory. Unfortunately their priorities are totally misguided. Their 'guidelines' make it virtually possible to rehome an animal and they put too many healthy creatures to sleep. An animal which finds itself in their 'care' has virtually been sentenced to death.
So there! That's my rant over!

I'm sure they are very concious of the costs of taking someone to court - if that person then gets a "slap on the wrist" it is more a reflection of the pathetically weak justice system in this country. Would you prefer abusers to get away with it?

I assume the rehoming guidelines are there to protect the animals and make sure the new owners can look after them. Its no good rescuing an animal from one unsuitable situation and placing them in another one.

I don't agree with your last comment. The fact that some rescued animals are put to sleep is tragic but the reality is that everything costs money and the RSPCA is a charity relying on donations.

It seems to me the RSPCA are damned if they do, and damned if they don't. Even if you don't agree with everything they do, I think overall they do a good job - thats why I donate.
and no i dont belive people who are cruel to animals . should be taken to court, thats the wrong way. it should be do unto the animal as we will now do to you.

i have a whippet at home that through its first two owners near spent a night inside or a day without a beating or *** burns. i am quite willing to step in a return the favours they bestowed on my dog, twice over

Yeah, that would work I'm sure :rolleyes:
I am absolutely with Hedgerow - reciprocal punishment - I'd inflict the *** burns and enjoy doing it.
I tried to rehome a mongrel from them, after just having another rescue dog put to sleep after fifteen years. There was so much ridiculous red tape to go through I got one from Battersea in the end. I hate to think what happened to that poor dog.
And no xgeordie, it isn't SOME unwanted animals they destroy, it's thousands.
I've taken in injured birds of prey, guess what, they get destroyed!!
rspca should stick to cats and dogs, and leave wild life alone
The RSPCA should have a good look at themselves - it's no wonder they have to destroy so many animals as they make it impossible for anyone to rehome them. They know full well anyone they take to court will get off virtually Scott free (yes I know the justice system is crap - that's another argument) yet still they do it. What a waste of money.
There is a much bigger picture here than anecdotal stories along the lines of "I tried to buy a whippet and they wouldnt let me" etc etc

Take a look at the RSPCA website to see what they actually do. Then ask yourself if we would really be better off if the RSPCA did not exist.

I've nothing more to add to this particular thread one is forcing anyone to support something they don't want to.
There is a much bigger picture here than anecdotal stories along the lines of "I tried to buy a whippet and they wouldnt let me" etc etc

Take a look at the RSPCA website to see what they actually do. Then ask yourself if we would really be better off if the RSPCA did not exist.

I've nothing more to add to this particular thread one is forcing anyone to support something they don't want to.

I quite agree, but if someone wishes to donate their hard earned cash to a charity, and I give to plenty, then they are entitled to see the bigger picture, not the one the RSPCA want you to see.
Don’t have experience on the RSPCA but I was turned down by the Dog Trust 3 times before they said yes and that was after two home visits and form filling and cross examined. The only thing more complicated I have had to deal with in life is a full on tax inspection.
jesus if i knew this would have caused this much trouble i wouldnt have told you lot about the fox sorry to cause this much sh,, can we all play nice now:biggrinjester:
I found this after searching on Google. It is taken from another Forum and has not been verified but makes interetsing reading......

I specialise in Wildlife Management in London. The Abandonement Act 1960 states that it is illegal to abandone a animal.

An urban fox released in to the countryside will simply starve to death as not being used to hunting for rabbits etc, having raided bins and eating waste left overs found on the streets killing chickens, pets etc.

A released urban fox would be more likely to attack and kill farm livestock, other wildlife species including endangered animals and birds. The fox is also at risk of being attacked by other foxes that are currently living in the release zone.

An urban fox with sarcopic mange could easily pass it on to 'healthy' foxes which may contract the disease and then die from scratching themselves to death with infested wounds. This would be the releasers fault for creating more misery and suffering.

Releasing foxes into the wild following capture or 'rescue' is a cruel act for the foxes and other wildlife, farm livestock which would be put at risk. Humane euthanasia by a professional using licenced firearms or by a qualified veterinary surgeon should be carried out. The future welfare for the released fox is not considered or what effect it could have on the environment by the releasers.

Another point to think about is that a hungry fox is a dangerous fox. I have dealt with a recent case in a school where a mange ridden fox came up to a child and swiped its paw at the childs leg. By nature, foxes are mean't to be shy, scared and fearful creatures.

On another occasion, a farmer told me that the only foxes that trouble him at lambing time are ones released by pest control companies on the edge of his land. New born lambs are at risk of being killed which would have a direct effect on his income and livelyhood.

Kind hearted people who leave food out for them only encourages the problem and should be avoided at all costs.
Where is a town fox going to find dog or cat food if they are dumped in the countryside?

The main reason I am called into schools is due to foxes fouling all over the playgrounds and paths. The risk of children getting toxocaris having touched fox fouling is very high. Schools can also be infested with fleas that are walked in from outside.

Urban foxes will almost certainly be riddled with internal parasites, worms and externally have ticks, fleas and mange infestations.

By releasing a fox back into the wild, you would be at risk of being prosecuted under The Abandonement Act 1960, The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 & The Protection of Animal Act 1911.

The Local Police Wildlife Liaison Officers will confirm all of the above.

Is it humane and safe to release urban foxes back into the wild?

As it is currently illegal, why is the law flouted and ignored and why are the Police not enforcing the laws laid down.
Thanks Biggles, very interesting. I wonder what the response from the RSPCA would be .....
I would also like to know what the RSPCA would say. I lost 70 chickens last year and only a few months ago found out that there is a fox rescue place just 1/2 mile from me. Where they let them go I don't know but I have shot fox's with scares on them, where they have been operated on and last week saw a three legged fox.
What they are doing is illegal.
Have someone infiltrate the system to get the required evidence and then tell them you are going to sue in the small claims court for the value of your 70 chickens if they don't stump up pronto. Point out the legal points and be prepared to take it to a local newspaper or beyond.

Compare the behaviour with that of people putting cats into wheely bins; for example.
Have someone infiltrate the system to get the required evidence and then tell them you are going to sue in the small claims court for the value of your 70 chickens if they don't stump up pronto. Point out the legal points and be prepared to take it to a local newspaper or beyond.

Compare the behaviour with that of people putting cats into wheely bins; for example.

With all the anti fox hunt thing going on I doubt if I would win. Wish I could as chickens around here are fetching £20 each.

PS I don't like fox hunting with dogs.
Not in a great mood today lost all my light sussex last night to a fox it has chewed through the bottom of a shed door and wiped the lot out:rant:
Hope you got it I'm in Sheffield and they are a pain people feed them as if they are pets and draw them inner city.
dont know if should say but here gos must remember to duck yes caught it in live trap and friend despatched it for me just have to wait to see how long it takes for another to take over were the last one left

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