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dont know if should say but here gos must remember to duck yes caught it in live trap and friend despatched it for me just have to wait to see how long it takes for another to take over were the last one left

Well done, its not an easy thing to do. Yesterday about 6pm, as I was putting my chickens away, a vixen sat and watched, she was there so long I had time to get my rifle, as I had her in the cross hairs I had to check to see if it was a fox, as a friend had just had some collie pups and a picture he sent me, was still on my mind. As she sat there with a white collar she looked just like a collie. One shot though and for the sake of my chickens she was gone.

This was just in day light and as spring rolls in more fox's will be out in day light and as they will be feeding their young they will take more risks. The end of the spring is always the time when I loose most chickens to fox that just run in and snatch one while I there.

To answer your question an other one will take that ones place today. Some evenings here we have seen 5 or 6 in 16 acres.

Well done again and good luck with the others.
hi biggles ive been baiting the trap with dog food the one in a roll but seem to catch more cats than foxs is there a better bait than this i could use thanks
dog food or cat food is ok, in an urban area we would use chicken drum sticks or chicken carcases.

i found with my allotment the trick was to keep the breeding pair of foxes at the allotments alive as they were quite good ratters. once the chicken pen was off the menu they just carried on with there lives.

also they dont like people with guns and rifles in brum. theres enough with the druggies and the criminals.
ye same here pete i also live in a urban area if its not druggies braking in its kids trashing everything were not aloud guns ever not even air rifles for ratting
hi biggles ive been baiting the trap with dog food the one in a roll but seem to catch more cats than foxs is there a better bait than this i could use thanks

As Pete says chicken carcases seem to work best. Keeping a pair alive near chickens mmmmmmm....... Have you removed their teeth
nope just your bog standard scabby foxes. but sounds wrong i know but there are so many foxes in brum i would be shooting them for years. its better to get a pair comfortable with eating every thing but mine and so thats why they have the big covered, hopefully fox proof pen to live in and the outside run when i am there
The fact that you caught it would probably point to the fact that it was urbanised, we find the wild foxes rarely go into cage traps. be careful using chicken as bait, IF someones silly tabby happens to get bone stuck then you may find a vets bill flying your way. Yes I know they go through the bins, etc etc, but its similar to your neighbour being stung by a bee, It has to be one of yours because the hive is next door!

I have lost lots of birds to foxes and only thing is once they have a taste is kill it or stop keeping birds.

We lost several this year and have not been able to catch up with mrs fox yet. but we now only let our girls freerange for a few hours a day still lucky that fox wont come too close to the house YET. Cubs are being born so keep a close eye on your birds, Fox will have a spree and stash birds for later eating if she has a big litter.

PS i was enjoying the RSPCA rant. I am not pro fox hunting as I see it as uncessary ineffective and nothing should be killed for sport but I do support the countryside alliance. RSPCA imo is just another name for money spinner!
RSPCA imo is just another name for money spinner!

Another ridiculous comment - care to justify it milkermel?

I was not intending to add anything more to this thread, but here are some stats for you to think about:

- calls to the cruelty line - every 20 odd seconds
- 141,000 complaints investigated annually
- 136,000 animals rescued annually
- 60,000 animals rehomed annualy
- running costs - £114 Million annually
There may be a call to the cruelty line every 20 seconds - it's how they deal with them that counts.

I phoned them last year because I knew someone who lived next door to a friend of mine kept their chickens in appalling conditions. The 'inspector' turned up - my friend kept watch - the neighbour had not cleaned the hens for literally weeks and there was no fresh water. The food was extremely thin on the ground as well.

Apparently the 'inspector' found nothing wrong. It's easier that way - they've done their bit and drawn a line under it.

Another ridiculous comment - care to justify it milkermel?

I was not intending to add anything more to this thread, but here are some stats for you to think about:

- calls to the cruelty line - every 20 odd seconds
- 141,000 complaints investigated annually
- 136,000 animals rescued annually
- 60,000 animals rehomed annualy
- running costs - £114 Million annually

Did you get those stats from their website? Find out how many healthy and non aggressive animals they put to sleep every year.
136,000 animals rescued annually
- 60,000 animals rehomed annualy

So what happens to the other 76,000 ?
Another ridiculous comment - care to justify it milkermel?

I was not intending to add anything more to this thread, but here are some stats for you to think about:

- calls to the cruelty line - every 20 odd seconds
- 141,000 complaints investigated annually
- 136,000 animals rescued annually
- 60,000 animals rehomed annualy
- running costs - £114 Million annually

sorry dont need to justify, I just know that they waste money on issues that should not be in their remitt, plus tbh I dont have enough time to waste looking up figures that are only there because someone else feels necessary to publish it to justify what they are doing. Have better things to do like play with my bees;)
Did you see the brazen fox before the England v Scotland match today at Twickenham.....looks like he was glum they weren't serving Old Speckled Hen !!

He must live on a great diet of pickings from the ground after the match


It's called spin, keeps the donations rolling in.

No Freethorpe, they are called facts. Where are yours?

Regarding your third hand story about the hens -

If the RSPCA had prosecuted you would no doubt complain that they were wasting money because the fines would probably be pifitully small.

If they had confiscated the animals you would be complaining that healthy animals had been taken away probably to be destroyed.

As it was, I would guess the inspector took the view that the best course of action was to offer advice and a warning - but you complain about that.

What is your solution to the problem of keeping thousands (?) of animals that cannot be released or rehomed? especially since I assume you donate absolutely nothing yourself?

I'll leave this thread to you and your mate Milkermel, who apparently does not want to "waste" his time responding to facts, but does find time on advising how to SPREAD myxomatosis. Unbelievable.
no freethorpe, they are called facts. Where are yours?
it is a fact, sadly, that too many animals in the hands of the rspca are put to sleep. An easy and cheap solution for them. Fact, not some fictitious ideal from out of my imagination.

Regarding your third hand story about the hens -

not third hand - first hand. I thought i would give them a second chance and as expected they let me down. No advice was given - i know that because the neighbour told my friend exactly what happened. Again, seen to be 'doing their job' albeit a token gesture.

-if they had confiscated the animals you would be complaining that healthy animals had been taken away probably to be destroyed.

Hang on - do they do that???

As it was, i would guess the inspector took the view that the best course of action was to offer advice and a warning - but you complain about that.

No - he did nothing.

-what is your solution to the problem of keeping thousands (?) of animals that cannot be released or rehomed? Especially since i assume you donate absolutely nothing yourself?

Ha - based on what knowledge exactly??? I donate to the woodland trust, the dogs trust, pdsa, blue cross, have been a member of the rspb and national trust for 22 years. Not to mention alot of volunteer work for a hen rescue charity and dog walking for the local dogs home. Is that enough for you?

I'll leave this thread to you and your mate milkermel, who apparently does not want to "waste" his time responding to facts, but does find time on advising how to spread myxomatosis. Unbelievable.

My response is within the quote - dunno what happened there!!!